the tree

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You are walking through the tunnel and reach outside when you hear a shrill shreik "they escaped!!!" the ginger tom growled "go ill distract them go or else ill kill you" you guys all rushed out which way will you go???....

A: towards the barn and get help

B: towards the woods

C: to the pond and pass that

If you chose A: you run towards the barn with the shes behind you just then a 3 cats from the tree begin to chase after you 2 tail lengths behind you guys just then shunkle trips you jump towards her and grab her then continue running to the barn when a silver tom grabs your tails and chuckles "help me someone" the gray she and shunkle turn around and start runnjng towards you but they were to far and you knew you were defeated as you closed your eyes the weight from the cat on your tail dissapeared and you heard a shriek when you opened your eyes you saw a big black tom with amber eyes standing over you in a protective form and letting out deep growls whenever a cat tried to get near you soon he clawed the cat and hissed then grabbed you and started running "wheres my friends??!!" You called the tom looked down at you while running "in the barn" he answered just then 5 cats jumped out and hissed at the cats chasing you guys the tree cats slowly backed away huffing and hissing ghe black tom dropped you and started checking everyone "excuse me but i need to get back to my clan" you whimpered the cats looked at you guys and smiled "okay then but eat you 3 you look like sticks" a sandy colored she tossed you guys a few mice you guys ate and looked up "can you help us get back now?" A few of the cats looked at eachother then started muttering "yes but only three of us we cant risk losing this place" the black tom dipped his head then a silver she and a grey tom walked up beside them and started escorting the cats out of the barn they started walking towards the woods they all started walking towards the lake where y/n kit could finally see her territory and cried with happieness thats when she realized she never had seen the tree cat were they scared of these cats?? As you guys walked into your territory several cats of your clan rushed to you and started thanking these random cats...

If you chose B: you ran to the woods pushing yourself and running besides the shes gasping in apin whenever you had to run on your back leg but then the black tom that captured you ran towards you guys growling and getting ready to attack you guys what do you do??

A,B: you continue running and dodge whenever he tried to get to you guys you guys continued running through the woods and ran to a hill and saw the territories running faster you shouted "almost home! Home!" You guys ran faster and soon reached your home territory but the black cat was still chasing you guys running faster and faster due to rage he soon almost caught up to you guys and grabbed your tail pulling you backwards "go get help please help!!" Several other cats of the tree ran to catch up but just at that moment your mother came and flung herself onto the black tom almost seeming like she wanted to rip this very cat apart she grabbed the cats neck slamming it into the ground again and again until he shrieked and backed up a sand colored tom rushed up and launched at your mom she growled and leeped at him they clashed and started tearung eachother apart but soon the rest of the clan arrived and finished the cats off giving them enough time to leave but still seemed angry your mother grabbed you and took you back to camp licking your wounds and fretting every time you limped due to your back leg..

B,B:  you stop filled with rage and leaped at the tom growling and attackjng with all your might and pushjng him to the ground the gray she decided tk help and when he fjnally gave up you guys caught up to the shunkle you ran faster and arrived into clan territory your mother and the rest of the clan esscorted you back worrying oh so often when you tripped or fell due to your leg..

If you chose C: you ran passed the pond in a hurry trying to remember where your clan was but you felt that you were going the wrong way do you???

Turn back


If you chose turn back: go back and choose from either b or a

If yiu chose continue: you continue running but then all the tree cats ambushed you and the other cats they all surrounded you and the black tom looked down at you "kill them well just get diffrent leverage" you stared in horror as a bunch of cats jumped you and you were caught in a wave of cats it almost felt like drowning then you felt pain everywhere you watched as both the gray she and shunkle raced to you you felt dizzg and everything was blurred then it went all black and you only could here the muffled sound of crying then a bright light came and you ni longer heard it... YOU HAVE DIED PLEASE GO BACK AND CONTINUE

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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