hector grenfall | individual

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hector grenfall











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hector has always been a very outgoing individual, he enjoys being social and interacting with people, most certainly falling into the extrovert category. he's often surrounded by friends which is due to the fact he's seen as a very likeable and nice person, able to get along with just about anyone if he tries to. hector is a hard worker, he wants to do big things with his life and he's not someone who was lucky enough to be blessed with endless amounts of natural talent for academia, but what he did receive was an amazing work ethic that puts most others around him to shame. hector's drive doesn't stop with school though, he's also dedicated to keeping himself healthy by being conscious about what he eats and exercising properly so he's in great physical shape.

hector is a very easygoing person, he enjoys having a laugh with his friends and not really having any goal in mind when he's looking for a good time, aiming to relax from his usually hectic lifestyle that he's given himself.


- hector enjoys playing his guitar, it's one of his key past times that helps him take the edge off all the madness that is his schedule for study. 

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