Important Notice

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*I will be posting the exact message to all of my stories so if you read more than one sorry*
I am not okay. I have not been okay for a very long time and it is catching up to me. While I am actively getting help and trying to keep going I am aware that I am not okay. If you guys have read my anouncments at the top of chapters you are probably aware that I am not okay. Now while I love writing I cannot write when my brain is imploding. I've tried to quietly state that updates are not set I now have to say it louder. I love hearing what people think about my books. I love meeting new people through this platform but I can't keep doing this.
I have gotten a large number of messages and comments asking for updates and I'm here begging you to stop. The extra pressure just makes the fact that I'm not okay even harder to deal with. I don't want to drop everything completely. I don't want to take down my account but I will if I have to. I am TRYING. I understand that none of this was intentional but if someone has stated many times that they struggle with different things then pressing them is not a good idea. I'm sorry to all of you who are not apart of this and I am sorry to all of you who meant this totally innocently.
I'm glad you guys have read my books. I'm thrilled you like them as I never thought anyone would but please stop. I want to get better but right now I'm just now. Doctors, lawyers, school, family and so many other things take up a huge amount of my time and while I have ideas I cannot write if I'm emotionally dead.
Thank you and again I'm sorry. I hope to write again soon.

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