The Guys

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It's official. This is my new favorite story to write. Now if I could just hold Sean off of meeting Sang a little longer... *le sigh*. Enjoy you amazing beans! Loves!!


By lunch time I'm in desperate need of a nap. I'm tired of people and idiots and don't even get me started on the classes! They are stupid easy and I just know I'm going to lose IQ points while on this mission. The amount of notes I've gotten from perverted classmates actually makes me cringe.

Heading out to the courtyard I look around for Kota. I warned him we were going to have to play BFF so he should be ready. I'm not sure if he will be though. I can be a bit much if I want to and I want to. I need to make it obvious to anyone watching that I'm friends with this group.

I finally catch a glimpse of him next to a large group of guys. I knew this team was big but do they really have this many? I count seven already and I know two are gone for the day. Geez this might be too much even for me. Maybe I should just try to make it look like I'm friends with a few? Nah, go big or go home right?

I casually skip over to the group and plaster on a huge fake smile. No one has actually ever been able to tell it's fake except two people. I've been able to fool MANY people into thinking I'm just the happiest bean alive. Oh how those fools are beyond wrong.

Bracing myself mentally I make eye contact with Kota before jumping on his back. The rest of the guys around stiffen and one lets out a low growl. With a fake giggle I start talking about how good it is to see them all. My declaration is met with silence as I slid off Kota's back. Locking eyes with Mr. Growly I smirk lightly and lean in closer. "Surfer"

Everyone seems to get it at the same time. Growly mumbles 'vegetable' before looking me over again. I so love messing with people's heads! I plop myself down onto the bench next to all of the boys. Rolling my head back casually I glance to Kota. His ears are a bright red and he hasn't moved since I got off his back. His mouth is moving rapidly but no sound comes out. I think he's counting.

"So Kota, how're classes going? I must say that I'm a little disappointed myself. I was hoping for a little bit more of a challenge." Glancing around the group I'm halted in my perusal by a pair of whiskey brown eyes. It's not the color that stops me. It's the fire. I never really got the term fire eyes until now but now that I do? I don't think I'll ever forget.

Fire Eyes walks forward and sits next to me on the bench. "What's your schedule?" I produce it from my pocket without any fanfare. As he looks it over I see a confused look cross his face. "Did you just say these weren't challenging?" I give him a slow nod and he busts into a loud laughter. His silky baritone voice causes a chill down my back at this and I know I'm hooked. Who knew you could become addicted to a voice?

"Kota, man, you've got some serious competition in the genius department." This seems to snap him out of his head and he reaches for my schedule himself. Glancing over it I'm met with the same confused look. Fire Eyes finally calms his laughter a bit and keeps talking. "Melody here might even beat out Doc."

I don't miss the slight emphasis on my name. I guess Kota hasn't told them everything yet. I smirk over at Fire Eyes and lean over to whisper. "Can you keep a secret?" When I'm met with a look that translates into 'Did you really just ask that?' I feel the first real smile in years wisp across my face before I replace it with my fake one. "I've already got my M.D."

"You what?" Oh that's priceless. I glance at my nails and pretend I'm bored. "But you're like 18? I mean I know Doc got his young but he's kind of the exception not the rule. He also like JUST got his. How..." Smirking over I quirk a single eyebrow. Shrugging I glance around at everyone else.

I really need to figure out names here because there are a lot of them. My eyes flit from face to face before settling back on Kota. I'm aware of how the command chain works here. Dude should get with the introducing. With another brow quirk I watch him shake his head and move his mouth silently again.

With a sheepish grin Kota shrugs a little. "Okay so I should probably give names here." A muffled 'You think?' is heard from one of the boys but nothing more after a stern glare. "Melody Grace, these are my friends. Victor, Nathan, Luke, Gabriel, Silas and North." He points to each one in order.

So Fire Eyes is Victor and Growly is North. With a slight head tilt I roll the names over in my head. They all seem to fit them well. Nathan has some seriously harsh icy blue eyes that stand out vividly from his tanned skin. Paired with his reddish brown hair it definitely makes an impact. That's not even mentioning the mounds of muscles he has. I think even his muscles have muscles.

Moving my eyes to the next in the circle I look over Luke. His eyes look like melted dark chocolate and it's making me crave some of the bitter sweet goodness like no one's business. His skin has a slight tan and his blonde hair brushes the tops of his shoulders. The sharp angles of his face are surely model level but the most intriguing part about him is the slight glint of mischief in his sweet eyes.

Next is Gabriel. Can we just take a moment here to appreciate a guy who knows how to do his hair? Like holy biscuits! The soft streaks of bright orange pair perfectly with his brown locks that almost reach his chin. The orange streaks all throughout bounce the light off and directs your focus to the two blonde locks framing his face. I seriously need to know who does his color because I love it. His crystalline baby blue eyes are scrutinizing me just as much as I am him. The colored studs in his lobes look amazing but the three black rings along the crest of his right ear are a little curious. We both seem to come to a conclusion at the same time because I see him nod as I look over to the next boy.

Silas is an absolute giant. He towers over the rest of the guys and they are by no means short. He doesn't really look all that frightening though. His light brown eyes are soft and I'm pretty sure they could make anyone attracted to males melt on the spot. His black hair is cut short on the sides and slightly longer at the top but not by much. Taking into consideration his olive toned skin and full lips I'm pretty sure he's foreign. Mediterranean maybe.

Last in the line up is North. Now this guy looks a little frightening. The scowl set into his face looks permanent and the gold hoop through his left ear doesn't really help. He runs his dark brown eyes all over my person. It doesn't seem predatory, just analytical. Like he's documenting everything he sees for future use. My attention is drawn to his dark brown hair when he runs a deeply tanned hand over it. It's cropped closely to his head and does nothing to soften his overall look. The bulging muscles only slightly smaller than Nathans don't help either.

Turning my head back to Victor I take in his overall appearance now that I'm not being held hostage by his burning eyes. His brown hair has a slight wave to it and reaches the nape of his neck. Pale skin covers him but only accentuates the insane eyes. I can tell he's a musician by his fingers. Long and smooth and tapping continuously against his leg in an unknown rhythm.

All of these guys are insanely attractive and it's a bit overwhelming. To try and break the tension a little I turn back to Gabriel. "I seriously need to know who colors your hair because it looks KILLER!" When his cheeks tint pink he rubs the back of his neck furiously. Mumbling something I almost can't make out I'm a little shocked. He does his own color? And it actually looks good?? That's some serious talent. I'm impressed.

"That's freaking AWESOME! I've considered coloring my hair but don't really have the time to get it done properly. It's so cool that you can do your own!" I might be gushing a little but just look at his hair! It's freaking amazeballs! His face flushes a deeper red as he mumbles out a thanks.

Everyone seems to relax a little more after this and takes a seat. Kota mentions having a meeting with everyone after school today as long as someone named Mr. B is better. I wonder what's wrong with him? I'm down for a meeting though. I can let everyone in on my plan and they can let me know anything else that I don't. Plans are made and numbers are exchanged before the bell rings sending us all packing. With a sigh I start to count down the hours until I can escape this hellschool.

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