more one direction questions

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idk why i'm so obsessed with the question things but that's ok. i'm skipping some of them because there's like 70 questions or something.

1. when did you first start liking one direction?
may 6th 2020 but i've liked some songs since i was little

2. do you have a favorite boy?
it changes all the time honestly but i usually say louis.

3. have you even had a favorite boy?
yes i've had a favorite but i love them all equally.

4. what was the first song you ever heard from them?
what makes you beautiful

5. which boy do you relate to the most?
i feel like i relate to different things about each of them.

6. who do you relate to the least?
same thing. i don't think i relate to one the most or least.

7. whose style do you admire the most?
music or clothing? music probably niall or louis. clothing id say harry.

8. have you ever disliked one of the boys?
no, of course not.

9. would you rather spend a day with all five of them or a week with just one?
a day with all five.

10. do you ever dress like them?
no, i don't.

11. what is the top played song the boys have ever sung?
on my playlist? well according to my spotify wrap up last year it was wolves. well technically wmyb but that's just because it comes on shuffle the most.

12. what would your reaction be if you met them?
honestly i think i'd stay pretty calm (on the outside) because i absolutely hate crying in front of people.

13. have you ever been to a concert?
no 😭

14. have you ever met them?
again, no 😭

15. how many pictures of them do you have saved on your phone.
you don't wanna know

16. what was the first piece of 1d merch you bought?
last week i bought a walls hoodie and it should be here within the next week or so.

17. what is your favorite music video?
history. mainly because even thought zayn wasn't in the band anymore, he was still included in the video

18. favorite song from up all night?
same mistakes or i want

19. when was the last time you cried over the boys?
an hour ago i think

20. how do you handle it when someone hates on the boys?
not very well 😂 but i'm pretty sensitive (i get more upset when someone insults them than me tho)

21. what was the first picture you saved of them?

 what was the first picture you saved of them?

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this is the first one i have on my phone

22. what's one thing you don't like about the fandom?
people who say they're directioners but are really just harries. or people who say "_______ is ugly or can't sing" stuff like that.

23. what little things remind you of the boys?
pretty much everything.

i skipped a lot of questions but yeah. i don't have a screenshot but the questions are from a tumblr post i found on google.

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