tagged 😚😉😌🙈✌️🤗

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i was tagged by the amazayn OiiiiOiiiiii

i was tagged by the amazayn OiiiiOiiiiii

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1. name?
brooke :)

2. height?
as of last august i was five feet and two and a half inches

3. weight?

4. age?
see question three

5. girl best friend (online)?
i have so many i could list. kait, elise, nada and like a billion others.

6. guy best friend?
at, jeremy ale

7. last hug?
my grandpa

8. crush?


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9. ever fell in love?
does one direction count? if so, yes.

10. favorite food?
tacos!! i'm having them for dinner tonight!

11. favorite color?

12. who text you last?
my brother texted a group chat like five minutes ago.

13. longest relationship?
i've never been in one :)

14. battery percentage?

15. eye color?

16. addiction?


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17. favorite animal?
pigs 🐷

18. favorite singer/band?
one direction and solo

19. ever had a piercing?
my ears are pierced, i kind of want a nose ring or septum piercing when i'm older

20. ever sang in the shower?
i used to

21. one wish?
idk tbh

22. country you live in?
the usa

23. best time of your life?
idk :(

24. any pets?

 any pets?

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25. plan on getting married?

26. first kiss

 first kiss

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27. insecure?
yOu'Re InSeCuRe, DoN't KnOw WhAt FoR

28. ever self-h@rmed
no i haven't

29. who do you love?

 who do you love?

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30. miss anyone?
my old neighbors that moved away

31. hair color?

hair reveal 🥵🥵

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hair reveal 🥵🥵

32. relationship status?
single :)

33. last song you listened to?
this town - niall horan

34. ever cried yourself to sleep?

35. biggest fear?
heights, splinters, blood, cartoons, and a million more

36. believe in ghosts?
not really

37. been depressed?

38. felt lonely?
of course

39. changed clothes in a car?
maybe when i was a baby but not after that

40. something you hate?
homophobia, transphobia, lgbtq hate in general, racism, and stuff like that

41. something you could change about yourself?
my personality/awkwardness

42. opinion on second chances?
depends on what they did

43. you like yourself?
well enough

44. sleep with the door open or closed?

45. tags!!
-infinityniall eliseelou ATLovesLiam -ohmygxd Dildo-Swaggins-

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