im ✨procrastinating✨

7 1 0

don't think that's how you spell that

anyways... more questions

1d edition

let's go

(i'm not putting screenshots bc its 20 questions on separate pages)

1. how did you find out about one direction?
it was probably like 2012 and i remember my dad telling my mom we needed to order a harry doll for my cousin for christmas.

2. what member do you think you're most like?
i don't know. i'm kinda a mix of them all i guess.

3. which member do you ship yourself with?
uhh zayn.. maybe liam. idk.

4. what something you love and hate about the fandom?
i love all the friends i've made through the fandom. i don't like when people are mean to them. especially people who call themselves fans who do that.

5. if you had to choose one boy to go on a deserted island with you who would it be?
umm maybe harry idk

6. how many one direction do you have in your room.

7. how do you dream of meeting theme.
honestly idc as long as i'm meeting them.

8. what's your fav x factor performance.
viva la viva, ik i'm basic

9. have anyone of them noticed you on twitter.
i don't have twitter.

10. if you could have anything from one of the boys wardrobes what would it be?
maybe harrys detroit suit

11. if you could ask niall any question and he would answer honestly what would it be.
will you be my best friend? 👉👈🥺

12. what hp houses would you sort them into?
zayn and liam - ravenclaw
harry - hufflepuff
louis - gryffindor
niall - slytherin
it makes sense in my head, ok

13. what do you think of lwwy?
not my favorite but i don't hate it. although it's my least favorite lead single.

14. what was the first 1d song you heard?
what makes you beautiful

15. when was the last time you cried over the boys?
about three hours ago.

16. top three songs from tmh?
1. still the one
2. she's not afraid
3. i would

now it's time to do my math hw. pray for me

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