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This is very fun btw
Oh and I'm sorry but I was spelling Phill like Fill I'm very sorry for that
Welp hope ya enjoy


Lex looked at Techno

"And thank you Techno"

Techno looked confused

"Why thank me?"

Lex smiled

"Cuz if you didn't say anything I wuldent have gotten Roberto back!"

Techno smiled slightly


Techno stood up from the chair he was sitting in and bent down slightly to Lexs high

"Your Welcome"

Techno smiled

Lex turned around and put her teddy on the bed

"What are you doing?"

Lex turned back to Techno and gave him a hug


Was heard around the room

Techno was surprised but still hugged back
{Techno is soft with Lex😌
Because child}

Lex let go of the hug

"Thank you!"

Lex sead

"For what this time?"

Techno was confused again

"For the hug!"

Techno laughed

Lex sat back down

Both her and Techno had a smile on they're face

"That whas adorable and all. But back to my question"

Tommy said and Lex looked at him

"Why we're you in that dangerous forest in the middle of the night"

Everybody looked at Lex

"Well..... "

Lex looked down

"Everything was going normal I was just outside picking barriers in the forest and before I knew it its night time and I was lost in the forest mobs were starting to surround me and then I triped and when I thought I was ganna die I'm assuming one of you stepped in and helped me but I passed out from fear... "

"That would be me"

Phill sead

Lex turned to Phill and gave him a smile

"Thank you Phill"

Lex sead

"Is your favorite word 'Thank you' Or are you just polite

Everybody laughed

" Nah I'm just polite. I was taught that way"

Lex said

Tommy turned to her

"What do you mean 'taught'?"

"My parents always tell me "Be polite, be nice" and I'm sitting here thinking about all the people I want to kill!"

Everybody laughed once more

Lex really did light up the room

That's why she was such an amazing person

That's why she made everyone happy


Well my heart went yeet

𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 /𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚖𝚙 𝙾𝚌 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔. Where stories live. Discover now