Chapter 16:pt.2 of 14

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Just wanted to thank my drug dealers sister for this idea

Lex was still in her bed tired as hell. She was alone in her room, which she hated.She was about to take the tea from her bedside table, but she couldn't reach so the tea ended up falling to the floor and a crash was heard. She looked at there hand and noticed that a piece of glass had made to her finger. She took the glass out but it just hurt her even more.
"Lex are you ok?"
Techno said opening Lexs door
"Oh god did you cut yourself!?"
Phill said walking up to Lex
"Only a little bit"
Lex said showing Phill her finger
"You go put a band aid on the cut and I'll clean this up"
Techno said as he grabbed the little shards of glass
"Ok, come with me hun"
Phill said picking up Lex and taking her down stairs
He placed her down on the couch and Lex looked up at Phill with a sad expression
"What's wrong hun"
Phill said looking at Lex with a worried tone of voice
"Are you mad at me"
Lex said looking down
"Why would i-Ohhh don't worry hun I'm not mad at you it's a mistake it happens to the best of us"
Phill said wrapping the band aid around her finger
Lex asked
"Of course"
Phill gave Lex a pat on the head
Lex whines
Phill asked in pure confusion
"You have to kiss it better"
Lex said showing Phill the band aided finger. Phill laughed and kissed her finger
"Thank you!"
Lex said. In that moment Techno came down stairs and threw out the shards of glass in the trash can.
"Welp it's time to get you back in bed"
Techno said picking up Lex bridal style
Lex just leaned back and enjoyed the free ride. When they got to Lexs room Phill opened the door and then Techno walked in placing Lex on her bed. Lex almost emedietly fell asleep. Techno took of his cape and wrapped Lex in it as a blanket.


I hope you guys don't mind the short chapter
Enjoy your day/afternoon/night

𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 /𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚖𝚙 𝙾𝚌 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔. Where stories live. Discover now