Chapter 22

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Hello sorry for not posting much I've been out of motivation to write soo I ope this just wholesome and funny chapter will make y'all happy
Hope you enjoy

Lex woke up earlier then usual. She was the first one awake. She walked to the kitchen to get some food when she heard someone walking down the stairs. It was Phill. Lex gave Phill a worm smile.
"Hey pup. How are you doing"
Phill said giving Lex a kiss on the fourhead.
"Good.How about you"
Lex asked looking up at Phill
"Pretty good thank you for asking"
Phill said giving Lex a Pat on the head.
"Do ya know where we're going today"
Phill asked looking at Lex
"Nooooo tell me"
Lex said looking up at Phill again
"To L'Manburg"
Phill said smiling
Lex screamed jumping up and down
"Yup go get ready were leaving soon"
Phill said and Lex ran to her room to get ready. After a few minutes Phill and Lex were ready. Lex and Phill were wearing their normal everyday outfits.
And they headed to L'Manburg leaving a note soo the other boys wouldn't be worried. They left while talking on the way to Manburg. It took them a few minutes until they saw Dominic and Quackity talking. Lex slowly creeped up behind Dominic and closed his eyes
"Guess whoo"
Lex said giggling slightly
"Oof-this is a hard one... Hmm. Meby... Lex perhaps"
Dominic said acting confused
Lex said showing herself and hugged Dominic while Dominic hugged back.
"Hey Dominic, hey Quackity"
Phill said standing behin Lex.
"Hey Philza"
Quackity and Dominic said.
"Ok now here's the thing Philza me and you hang out go around L'Manburg a little and these two can just do what ever they want"
Quackity said looking at Phill
"Sounds good to me see bye'
Phill said quickly walking of with Quackity.
"And there they go"
Dominic said and Lex and him chuckled. Before they knew it Schlatt somehow sneeked up behind Dominic and scared them
Dominic screamed and Lex and Schlatt laughed.
"Oh my god your such a scardy cat"
Lex said slowly calming down
"Hey Dominic I see your talking to Lex but I need you for a little bit and then we can get back to Lex"
Schlatt said trying to sound as cool and calm as possible.
Dominic was cut of by Lex
"It's ok I wouldn't mind"
She said
"Great see ya hun"
Schlatt said dragging Dominic by the hand and gave Lex a Pat on the head.
Lex was now alone so she walked around for a little bit every now and then giving someone a high five or a fist bump or a hug as she walked by. While she was walking she saw something on the ground she picked it up and realized it was a... Pirate hat. She realized that it was someone else's by the stitched letters "CP" She started walking and noticed through the window by accident that someone was in the house and looking for something
She walked over to the door and knocked. Some thankfully opened. It was a girl with white fluffy hair,horns,big ears, piercing blue eyes and a what looked like a pirate outfit.
"Uh-Hi I accidentally noticed that you were looking for something and I was gonna ask if this is yours."
Lex asked showing the hat. The girl looked at the hat and took it.
"Thank you sweetie this is mine"
She put the hat on her head.
The girl said
"Are you... Lexie"
She said
"The one and only"
Lex said putting her hands on her hips
"Oh lord-ive heard about the hilarious things you did"
She said
"I'm Captain Puffy by the way but you can just call me Puffy"
Puffy said
"Oh nice to meet you Puffy"
Lex said smiling sweetly
Lex heard a Fimalier voice. She turned around to see Dominic who was running full speed to Lex"
Lex bearly caching Dominic in a hug
Puffy laughed
"I see you've met Dominic"
She said
"We've known each other for a little while now"
Lex said
"Well sweetie it's been amazing meeting you but I have work to do"
Puffy said
"Oh ok have a nice day"
Puffy nodded kissed Lexs fourhead and closed the door. The rest of the afternoon Dominic and Lex hanged out and talked the whole time. Untill Lex had to leave. Dominic and Lex bearly said goodbye but we're able to. After a few minutes the two got home and opened the door to see Techno practically waiting for them. Techno ran up and hugged the two.
Techno yelled actually scared. Phill looked at Techno and he looked...exhausted.he had dark circles under his eyes,his ears were down, he wasn't wearing his normal Mideavel king outfit he was wear baggie clothes and he looked soo worried.
"We're sorry Tech"
Lex said pulling on Technos Hoodie to get his attention.
"Tech didn't you see our note"
Phill said putting a hand on Technos cheek.
Techno said honestly confused
"You see..... Me and Wilbur saw the note and hid it from Techno to see if he will freak out"
Tommy said scratching his neck
Phill said in the most monotone voice.
Lex screamed. Everyone was legitimately scared especially Tommy. Everyone was too scared to even tell Lex not to cuss. After a few minutes of getting Lex to calm down. Everyone sat down on the couch. Techno layed down next to Phill on his right and Lex on his left. Tommy and Tubbo were next to Lex and Wilbur was next to Techno. Techno really missed Phill and... Needed his attention. Techno grabbed Phills hand and put it on his head. Phill getting the sign started to scratch Technos head while Phill was able to hug all of his other kids. It was quiet. It was nice. Something that calmed everyone down was purring and how conveniently Techno can purr. And Phill knew how to get him to purr. Phills hand went from Technos head to the back of his ears and he scratched the back of his ear. Techno snuggled into Phills chest and got comfy. Techno was trying to hold it in but he couldn't. A loud purr was heard from Techno as everyone relaxed including Techno. Everyone peacefully slept.

I hope you enjoy because I sure did
Welp have a nice morning/day/afternoon/night.

𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 /𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚖𝚙 𝙾𝚌 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔. Where stories live. Discover now