Friends Fight Back

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Ukraine's POV

Class has just ended. I was walking for a bit just outside of school. Canada had somewhere to go so I was left alone here. I looked up to realize that I had walked a bit farther than I had intended to. I had strayed away from the high school building and reached the junior high building. I was just about to turn around and walk back when I saw a group of guys cornering someone.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not usually one to rush headfirst into action. But I heard the cornered person speak.

"Please, just leave me alone!" He said.

I recognized the voice and accent as one of Canada's brothers. I tend to quietly observe people, so I subconsciously memorise the voices and accents of people I just met.

I ran up and put my training to good use. I only just knocked one of them out when the others got intimidated and ran. That was kind of expected, bullies are always easily intimidated by someone who can fight.

"T-thanks, Ukraine." He said. Australia, was his name?

"No problem. What, uh, happened there anyway?"

"Oh, that's nothing much. Just your everyday school bullies."

"Well, if they come up again, you can give me a call, okay?"

"Sure, thanks."

Finally, it's Friday. I was able to survive mostly because of the MnD, particularly because of Canada. I'd hang out with them at lunch, then just with Canada after school. Occasionally, one of two members would join us, but most of the time it was just us two. It's a very peaceful Friday.

Okay, I take my last statement back. I was alone again after school. Then, the bullies from the other day approached me.

"Uh, I'm not sure if you noticed, but this isn't your building." I remarked.

"Yeah we did. We also know that you gave one of us a mild concussion. So it's payback time."

They tied my arms together. I tried kicking one of them and just barely missed before they tied my legs as well. They watched me struggle like a fish out of water as I tried to loosen the ropes. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that lesson from dad.

They started hitting me, not with any weapons or such, but fists hurt as well. That is, until I heard a voice. It was slightly high in pitch with an accent I recognized.

"Hey, you!" It was Australia.

"Hey look, it's the freak! What'chu gonna do, pipsqueak, f- oof!" He got punched right in the gut.

"That." Australia calmly said. The other two approached him soon after. He kicked one of them in the shin, the other he hit where the sun don't shine. As they were sprawled out on the floor, he quickly got up and undid my ropes with a Swiss army knife.

"Thanks, I thought I was doomed." I chuckled slightly.

"No problem, I mean, friends fight back, don't they?"

I still wasn't quite used to being called someone's 'friend', but I nodded in agreement anyway.

"Hey, where'd you learn to fight though?"

"Me?" I asked back.

"Well, my dad taught us when we were little. I do admit, though, I forgot some of his lessons..."

"Well, could'ya teach me?"

I looked at him in surprise.

"Well, you seem to fight pretty well already."

"Eh, that was just the adrenaline of the moment. I wanna learn how to really defend myself."

"Well, I guess I could teach you sometime..."

"Thanks, mate!" He said, beaming at me.

It's Saturday, which means no school. I was invited over to the meadow by Canada. Luckily, my father had just gone out earlier this morning, meaning he wouldn't be home. When I got there, there was no one. I sat on the stump and waited. I was just staring into the distance when suddenly a corgi with a crown on her collar jumped up onto my lap. I was startled at first, then realised it was just Queenie, and started petting her. Then I realised that if Queenie was here, Canada must be here too. I turned my head around and noticed his tall figure by the trees, along with the jumping silhouettes of Poppy and Leo. He walked over and sat on the floor next to me.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning." I plainly replied. We sat there in silence for a while, watching the early morning sky, when he asked me if I wanted to come over for breakfast.

"We're having pancakes, if you haven't eaten yet."

"Sure, why not." I replied.

When we got to his house, I noticed Bel and Canada's sister, New Zealand, on the couch, watching some Netflix show. They were laughing their asses off when I saw them. I looked over and saw they were loosely holding hands.

"OoOoh, lookie what we've got here. All that teasing was just to conceal that you have a girlfriend already!" I exclaimed to Bel.

"Wha- uh- what, no! She's just a friend." Bel said as she quickly retracted her hand. New Zealand had on a skeptical face, but quickly concealed it when Bel looked her way. That just proves they're together.

"Okay then, whatever you say. Hope you have fun with my sister-in-law-to-be!" As I said that, I noticed Canada's mom, France, come out of the kitchen.

"Breakfast is ready! Canada, New Zealand, I see you've brought some friends over. Come, join us."

Bel and I stood up and said thanks before following our friends to the dining room. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes wafted through the air as I sat down awkwardly at the table.

"Oh, hey Ukraine!" Australia waved at me upon entering. I waved back with a smile.

"Oh, hey." America greeted nonchalantly. I responded with a simple "Hey" before he sat down.

I noticed Canada drowning his pancakes in maple syrup.

"Whoa, Canada, I feel like your pancakes are going to suffocate!" I joked. He laughed wholeheartedly and I chuckled.

"Hold on, hold on, Ukraine joking? That's the second time today! Okay, now this is getting weird."

"Why, Bel?"

"Well, you see, Zea, he's usually deadpan serious most of the time. He seldom jokes with us."


"Hey Canada, do you maybe, have any other pets at home aside from the dogs?"

I was actually kinda curious about that for a while.

"Ohoho, wait 'til you see Aussie's room. He's got tons of animal friends. Although he usually lets them roam free outside for most of the day, they always come back anyway."

I still couldn't understand how he could be so cheery all the time. He seemed like the personification of positivity. Another thing I didn't understand was why he wanted to be friends with me. I was just a random, quiet kid who he barely knew, and yet he thought I was a good person at first glance. My mind just couldn't comprehend it. Still, I was happy to have more friends, or, any friends at all. I'm grateful for that.

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