Killing the Cat

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Ukraine's POV

"Guys, why are all of dad's stuff on the floor?"

Sure enough, as I said, everything, including his clothes, were on the floor. We all stared for a second at the pile of items on the ground.

"Well, I mean, he doesn't just have one set of clothes, right? Maybe he just left them out."

"On the kitchen floor? I don't think so, Bel." Russia remarked.

"Well, let's just leave it, I guess. We'll investigate tomorrow."

We all agreed with her and went on with the rest of our day.

That is, until, I noticed something else.

Usually there is a shotgun on the shelf next to the front door, because our father is fucking crazy. One thing even crazier is that it was missing, which never happens. He never lets anyone touch it and he doesn't use it. I was about to mention it to the others when I got a call from someone.

"Hello, Ukraine?"

"Germany? Why'd you call?"

"Meet me at my house. You remember where it is, right?"

"Yeah, but why?"

"I'll explain later."

And with that he ended the call. I thought it was kinda strange, especially since we weren't the closest of friends. I decided to go anyway, because his tone sounded urgent.

"Ah, you're here."

"Hey, what's the matter?"


He looked hesitant. He paused for a while before slowly saying;

"I think I know who the shooter is, and I'm not so sure you'll like it."

I raised an eyebrow. First of all, why would he tell me? And what did he mean by 'I'm not so sure you'll like it'? I gestured him to continue speaking.

"I think it might be your father."



I didn't believe him. 'He's got to be joking' I thought. But he looked dead serious.

"I saw him through the window, and I thought I saw your dad's face. I could be wrong, it's just a suspicion."

Thinking about the gun, and the fact he wasn't home (despite him almost never being home) I started to trust him a little more.

"But then, why'd you tell me? Why not Russia or literally anyone else?"

"I just thought a family member might need to know, and Russia almost certainly would've gotten violent pretty quick. You were the best option."

He wasn't wrong. Russia almost never hesitates to defend himself against people he doesn't like. I looked back at Germany.

"Well, thanks for telling me. I'll try to look further into that."

As I was walking home, I may or may not have gotten a bit lost. It was nearly dark, and I was simply wandering around, trying to remember the way back home. As I was loitering around, I heard something. It came from the trees next to me.

I couldn't exactly identify what it sounded like. It sounded almost like footsteps, but lighter and breezier. Normal footsteps would've sounded a bit heavier with the normal weight of a person. I turned to look at the collection of shrubs where it seemed to be, and saw something strange. Two bright purple orbs were staring at me, like eyes, except there were no whites to it.

I saw something reach out. It was pitch black, and it looked sort of like a hand. But it didn't look completely solid, almost as if it were made of gas. It seemed to be heading for me, so I started sprinting.

Despite being tired, the fear and adrenaline was enough to keep me running until I found our house. It was well into the evening by now. When I went in, everyone was asleep and everything else as I left it. Dad's clothes were still in the kitchen, his gun still missing. I decided to call it a day and get some well-needed rest.

The next day, the four of us woke up to our dad passed out on the couch.

"That's weird. He's never home this early." Kaz said, which is true. He'd only left yesterday, meaning we expected him back next week at least. Russia moved a bit closer, shaking him a bit.

"He's out cold."

He inched just a bit closer to him.

"Doesn't smell like alcohol either."

"His clothes are gone now." I pointed to the kitchen entrance. They were indeed not there anymore. The gun was also back on the shelf, but I didn't say anything about that, considering I hadn't told them it was ever missing.

It was Friday, but school was cancelled because there's supposed to be this big storm happening today, which there was in the afternoon. Throughout the whole time we were walking around the house, as well as the thunder and rain, dad stayed asleep on the sofa.

We were all gathered in Russia's room. We'd found that he was FaceTiming America, so we decided to say hi. Ame's siblings were crowded around his camera as well. Kaz, Bel and Aussie were mostly asking about the shooting, as none of them were actually there. I got reminded of what Germany told me about the shooter, and told Canada to FaceTime my phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Germany told me he might know who the shooter is."

"Wait, really? Who is it?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

"I promise." He held his hand above his left chest.

"He thinks it might be my father." I explained the situation as he listened intently.

"No one knows about this, so we have to keep it a secret. I want you to help me investigate into this. I don't want the rest of my siblings to know."

"Well okay, but where do we start?"

"Let's talk tomorrow if the storm has cleared, in the meadow."


We ended the call there. I don't know why I chose Canada to trust this secret with. I just feel like he'd be understanding enough. It felt rather strange but nice being with him as well, so it'd help calm my nerves a little.

I walked downstairs to find dad still out cold. The rest were still upstairs, probably still in Russia's room. I decided to go get myself a snack, so I walked to the kitchen. I noticed some traces of what looked like smoke or gas, but didn't think much much of it. 'It's probably just from outside. Or maybe it's the dirt in here. Eugh.'

I hope the storm clears tomorrow. I want to start looking into the shooter case as soon as possible, so I can settle my mind down. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

We Go Together (Canada x Ukraine)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora