The Sleepover/s

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(P.S. this was edited 09/10/21)

Ukraine's POV

Today is Friday, I still haven't replied to Canada.

I know it sounds rude, but I really haven't made up my mind yet.

For one, I'd love to have new friends. But on the other hand, what if they hate me, or they find me weird, or they convince Canada to ditch me or-

Russia walked into my room. I ignored my thoughts for a while to pay attention to him.

"Heyy, Ukie?"


"Well, me and some of my friends are having a sleepover tomorrow. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to join us? Canada and America are going to be there."

"Oh, Canada already told me about that."


"I haven't really replied yet."

"Ok, just tell me when you've made up your mind."

He walked out and I looked down at my phone. I figured, what harm could there be in trying? I opened Canada's contact.


Ukraine: Hey, Canada. I'm gonna go to the sleepover tomorrow, if that's ok with you

Canada: Of course! Id be glad if you could come!

I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Aside from Canada's friends hating me, then Canada hating me, then I'll be a loner forever.

~The Next Day~

Russia and I were preparing to head to the sleepover. Bel and Kaz were to watch over the house in case dad comes home. Once we finished packing our small  bags, we headed outside to the car.

We arrived at a big-ish house. We walked up to the front door and someone opened it. He had three horizontal stripes, black on the top, red in the middle and yellow on the bottom.

"Ah, Russland, glad you could make it!"

"Germany! Meet my brother, Ukraine."

"Nice to meet you, Ukraine. Canada has said quite a bit about you."

"Niemcy, who is that?"

"It's just Russland and his brother, Ukraine, Polen."

"Oh, ok."

We walked in and I saw a bunch of unfamiliar countries.

Suddenly, a girl with cat ears and a tail bounded up to me. She had a white flag with a red circle in it.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Japan. You must be Ukraine, right?" She said, holding her hand out for me to shake.

"Japan, you're probably scaring him with your excessive energy. Philippines, glad to meet'ya. But you can just call me Philia. Hey, I remember you! We met at the movie theater, right? Sorry about my brother, though."

"It's ok." I replied. I knew that girl looked familiar!

Two guys walked up behind her. One with red on the top, white on the bottom, the other with 12 red and white stripes and a blue square in the corner with a moon and 14 pointed star in it.

"Hello, I'm Indonesia, the other one's Malaysia." The first one said.

"If you dare touch Philly I will personally come and rip your ass off" Malaysia whispered in my ear.

We Go Together (Canada x Ukraine)Where stories live. Discover now