First Day and Flower Crowns

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(P.S. this was edited 09/10/21)

Ukraine's POV

It's been a week and a half since I met Canada. It's also the first day of school today. Damn it.

I hate school with all my life. School is the hellhole where everyone judges you and piles stress on your back. You also get tests featuring questions they didn't even cover in class. Basically, torture, especially for losers like me.

I've been called weird ever since I stepped foot in this place, mainly because people think I'm like my dad. But I honest to God, cross my heart, hope to die am not like him. People see me as the weird, creepy silent murderer who is always plotting some sort of school massacre or something, despite me being only fourteen. It's ridiculous, but, that's my life. All just a sad, ridiculous mess. The only good thing about school is the garden. Yes, our school has its own garden. Don't ask why. No one ever goes there, so I can be alone.

I walked into the classroom and took the seat farthest from the teacher. That way, I would be called less, if the teacher is like any of the others I've had.

The day slowly crawled along like it usually does. It's lunchtime already. Now, sitting alone would be my usual routine, but the MnD (Memers and Dreamers) called for me to sit with them, which I happily obliged to. 

It felt a bit weird at first, sitting with actual people, but I soon got used to it. As the minutes passed, I realized how much better this is than sitting alone, even if I didn't engage much in the conversation. It felt nice to have people to be with rather than just being with myself. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunchtime, and I halfheartedly headed back to the classroom.

Class is finally over! I was walking outside when Russia told me that he was gonna go somewhere, so I shouldn't have to wait for him and I can walk home by myself. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and was gonna head home when a light tap on my shoulder stopped me. I turned around to see the face of Canada.

"Hey, you doin' anything right now?" 

"Why?" I asked before answering. I always need some sort of confirmation as to what they want to do before going with someone.

"Well, I wanted to show you something."

I thought for a moment. My father wasn't really home, so I guess I could stay out for a bit.

"Nope, my brother's out doing something with yours." 

"Great!" He grabbed my arm and started running somewhere. I was trying to keep up with his speed, but my shorter legs and lack of exercise weren't helping.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked, slightly out of breath.

"You'll see."

We finally arrived at a small clearing in the forest behind the school. I stopped to catch my breath, looking down at my knees. It was pretty deep into the woods, so we ran for quite a while. Canada tapped my shoulder.


I looked up from the floor, to realize that we weren't even in the forest anymore. We seemed to have passed through the whole thing and arrived at a meadow sprinkled with different kinds of wildflowers. My eyes widened at the beautiful sight. I was sure that if Heaven exists, it would look like this.

"I- where- how did you find this?"

"I found this years ago, when I was playing hide and seek with my siblings. I ran too far in the forest and ended up here. Not many people know about this place."

"But, why did you show me?"

"Well, before we became friends, I've noticed you were always in the school garden. I also noticed you wear flower crowns every day. I figured you'd like this spot."

He took me up to a tree stump that was the right height to sit on. He motioned for me to sit, but I declined, sitting on the ground instead. I pulled out some spare wire I had in my backpack and started looking around the meadow. I came back with a handful of wildflowers in my arms. I sat back down in front of Canada and started weaving them across the wire. Canada sat there and watched me. After about 20-30 minutes I was done. I decorated it with a few ribbons and turned to Canada. I slipped it on top of his hat and walked back. I pulled out my phone and turned on camera, flipping it so that Canada could see himself in the phone.

"You certainly have a talent for this!" He said.

"It's kind of my hobby. I tend to get a bit bored in the garden, so I learned to make these."

"But, isn't it prohibited to pick flowers from the school garden?" Canada said with a light chuckle.

"You won't tell on me, will you?" I said with a laugh.

We stayed there in that meadow for the rest of the day until the sun started to set.

"Hey, you still got some time to spare before heading home?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

"There's something else I wanted to show you."

He grabbed my arm again and pulled me a bit further into some surrounding trees. We came to a cliff and Canada sat down at the edge. I followed and sat with him. He beckoned for me to look at the sky.

I was amazed at what I saw. This was the most beautiful view of the sunset I had ever seen! The reds, oranges, yellows and pinks mixed and swirled together perfectly as the sun faded downwards. It was like a painting.

"Beautiful, right?" He said. I nodded my head in agreement.

The sky began to fade into purple, then blue, until it was completely black, speckled with silver stars.

"We should probably head home now. Our siblings might be waiting."  I nodded my head again.

We ran back the way we came and said our goodbyes, then left down separate roads. I arrived home to Belarus in the living room.

"Hey, Bel."

"Oh, hey Ukie, I was just starting to wonder where you went."

"Well, I was somewhere with Canada."

"Oooh, you got a boyfriend now, I see~" Bel said teasingly.

"BEL! He's NOT my boyfriend! For God's sake, we only met a week ago, dammit!"

"Okay, if you say so~"

I headed up to my room and got a good night's sleep for another day of torture tomorrow.

I got to school the next day to find Canada by the gate. When I got closer, I found he was still wearing my flower crown around his hat. I smiled to myself and headed up to him so we could chat while walking to class.

We Go Together (Canada x Ukraine)Where stories live. Discover now