Iida x Enderman! male reader

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~Iida's POV~

I was making sure everyone was seated and presentable as we were getting a new student in class 1-A today. I can tell that most are excited.

I soon enough sat down as Aizawa entered the classroom, looking like he lacked sleep as someone entered behind him. And when I say behind him, I mean he was clinging to the sleep deprived teacher.

I wonder why? We are all nice.... well most of us are. I hope he improve on there social skills though. Other then that, he will make a great addition to the class.

~(M/N)'s POV~

I was so nervous that small neon purple sparkles were falling from me.

I had (H/L) (H/C) hair that matched my neon purple eyes. (sorry, if you dont want them to be, If you want a different color then you can change it) I had (S/C) skin but at the end of my arms and legs they turned charcoal black. I could teleport anywhere I wanted to, my downside was that water burned me. I was almost as tall as the teacher tho.

The teacher told me to tell them my name to where I panicked a bit. "M-my name is (M/N) (L/N)! Please stop stareing at me! I dont like it!" I said in a hurry as the teacher could see my panicked state. He was about to say something but a ash blonde interrupted him. "EH?! I CANT STARE AT WHO EVER I PLEASE!!" he angrily said, making me flinch and my nose and lips start to turn charcoal black. I forgot to mention that I dont only teleport. If I'm to upset or anxious I literally start to tear stuff up. Before that could have started tho, a cute boy with blue hair started to yell at the other. "That is highly inappropriate behavior, bakugou!!! He has asked politely if we could stop stareing!!! So we should all stop stareing at him! We are making him highly uncomfortable!!" He lectured, chopping his hand at the ash blonde. I smiled a bit. Aizawa pointed to where I sit and I teleported there, leaving purple sparkles where the teacher was. I sat down and made note that I needed to thank that cute boy. For now though I'll focus on class.

~Time Skip~

It was now lunch time. I quickly teleported to a garden and grabbed a tulip that I then placed, dirt and all, in a flower pot. I then teleported back, grabbing my stuff and heading to the cafeteria. I saw him and immediately walked over. I tapped his shoulder and he turned. I geuss he wasn't expecting to see me so close cuz he blushed slightly and looked up. I averted my eyes away from him and offered the flower. "Thank you for helping me earlier, I didnt catch y-your name...." I said, my voice lagging a bit.

He smiled and thanked me for the flower before he gently set it down. "My name is Iida, I appreciate the tulip you brought me. Why dont you have a seat with us?" He asked. I wanted to say yes because he was there and he was very nice but I saw that he was sitting with friends which made me nervous. I shook my head, making him look at me with a slight saddened look. "I-im going to eat alone. I d-dont like people seeing w-when I eat.." I said as I teleported away to a tree, eating there.

After a bit I heard someone walking torwards me. When I looked I saw Iida. I once again avoided eye contact but let him sit with me. He was blushing slightly as he stared at me. "Stareing is rude" I said, not meaning to sound upset. I hate attention. Iida apologized and looked at his tulip I gave him. He smiled and started to speak again. "I do wish we could get to know each other, would that be alright?" He asked. I nodded slowly "as long as it's only you, dont trust the others yet." I said.

~Time Skip~

It's been a few days. I've started to develop weird feelings for Iida. When I talk to izuku about this he says that I have a crush on him. I have noticed that izuku has been supporting me more as uraraka has been upset with me for having a crush on Iida. I suppose it's because I didnt like her but that's crazy, who would get angry when someone that you love loves someone else. Hahaha.... right.... but that's what I am, I dont want Iida falling in love with no one but me.

When I say it's been a few days its actually been 2 months. I've decided that I'd tell him, so I've told him to meet me at the tree we always meet at. I always brought him a flower every week. Hes very kind and hes shown me pictures of the flowers that I've given him. They were healthy and fine! This time I was giving him a blue rose. It was a light blue but I was still giving it to him. Once again it was in a vase since Rose's grow on bushes. This one wont last but I'll buy a Bush of them for the both of us so we could grow it together!

When I got there I saw uraraka there with Iida. I was shocked to see her red in the face and fuming at Iida while Iida was trying to calm her down. When I got there she tried to lie to me about how Iida would only cheat on me. This I got angry at. It didnt help that she was looking at me right in the eyes. I growled as I had started to frighten her off. Once I did that Iida put a hand on my arm, looking concerned.

I sigh as I hand him the beautiful rose, causing him to blush and take it. "I.... I really..... uhh..... like-no love you... and I wanted...to know..." I paused to look Iida up and down to see any signs of disgust. But I didnt see any as he was blushing badly and was waiting patiently for me to finished. "If you'd be.... mine? My boyfriend... I mean..." i said awkwardly. I was caught by surprise as Iida pulled me down and planted a gentle kiss, this also caused fireworks to go off in my head and purple sparkles going everywhere.

"Of course, I'd love to" he said, being somewhat embarrassed as he dragged me to his dorm. We sat down, having him in my lap since I was taller as we cuddled and watched a movie. This day couldnt get any better!!

Requested by cwebb3564

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