Chapter 2: Sorry, I'm a Vampire

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Adela awoke to the smell of a cigar. She sat up and found herself in the front seat of a car. Beside her was the man who had come to her door and kidnapped her. The man she stupidly let inside her house and trusted not to do something like this to do. Adela could barely see anything. She was enraged from being so dumb but then realized she had been kidnapped and was probably in a lot of danger. She felt scared and her head was aching; she sat silent until words started spilling out of her mouth, "Where am I? I swear I'll call the police on you. I have my phone right here!"

She reached into her pockets to find them empty. She looked up and saw the man waving her phone in front of her. She tried to grab it from him but, she was too late, he threw it out the window. Adela gasped and said no more.

The man spoke, "The name's Jordan."

Adela didn't speak. She just turned her head away.

Jordan whispered into her ear, "Jordan River."

Adela turned her head towards him and shook it side to side frantically while saying, "No-o, you can't be."

She opened the car door and jumped out. She ran, ran, and ran until she couldn't run anymore. When she turned around towards the car, she saw trees and darkness. Now she was scared and didn't know where to go. She walked every possible way, but it felt as if this forest was never-ending.

Adela started whispering words under her breath without knowing she was, "Daemones tolle angelos tollendum." (Translation: Take away the demons and get rid of the angels.)

She opened her eyes, and all the trees were gone as if they weren't supposed to be there.

Then she saw Jordan and he was smirking while standing on a tree that didn't disappear, but she didn't run as she was confused by the words she had just spoken. Jordan jumped off the tree he was standing on, the tree that didn't disappear.

He came up to Adela and said, "Yes, Adela I'm your brother."

Adela screamed. Very, very loudly, but no one heard, no one was nearby. She was stuck in the middle of nowhere with a lunatic claiming to be her dead brother.

Jordan said, "There's no one here, except me and I have a truck, a truck I could take you home in."

"You took me from my home," said Adela. She is outraged at him for what he did to her.

"Adela, that was not your home," Jordan said firmly. It seemed like he was getting impatient.

Adela replied, "What are you talking about, yes that was, and what in the world was I saying in that forest? I made it freaking disappear!" Adela was confused and scared out of her mind

"It wasn't a forest, it was an illusion I made for you, it was a test," Jordan responded, "What you were saying was a spell, I taught you when we were ten."

"When you were still alive? A spell?"

"I am alive Adela, I am flesh and blood, I am your brother."

Adela didn't believe a word he said. She was also getting extremely angry about everything that he was saying, so she kicked him in the shin and screamed, "LIAR."

Jordan winced with pain and said, "Please listen, Adela, please."

Adela kicked him once more then ran towards Jordan's car. She found the keys and started the car. There is no possible way that could be her brother. She wants her brother back and her father back more than anything but how can she believe a complete stranger.

She whispered, "Bye, Jordan." and took off. She had no idea what was going on or where she was. She was in the middle of nowhere and a crazy person was after her.

"Wait, Adela, you have to come back, I am your brother!!" Jordan screamed.

Adela completely disregarding what Jordan is saying drives the car even faster so he can not come near her. Adela thought that the man was gone when she drove for a while but how wrong could she have been.

He ran towards the car and caught up to the truck, and he was faster than the car. He pulled off the door and jumped inside. He grabbed Adela.

"STOP IT, LET GO OF ME!" Adela shouted at the top of her lungs. He didn't say anything. He opened the back of his car, threw Adela in. He locked her in it. She was in the dark and shivering. She couldn't see anything.

"You made me do it," Jordan said as he walked back to the front.

Surprisingly she could hear him, but she didn't say anything.

"Listen I'm sorry, I'll let you out as soon as I can," he said to her.

Adela didn't reply.


It felt like hours had passed, and Adela was starving. She didn't reply to anything Jordan had said to her. Not even when he asked her if she was cold or when he asked her if she was hungry. There was a lot of silence, but then there was a growl, a scream, and a 'noooo.' It seemed like they stopped, and Adela heard it all. She tried to look outside, but it was too dark, and she was too scared to move.

Jordan wanted to take Adela out of the trunk, but he did not want her to run off again. He knew that they were almost there. She will live.

Suddenly Adela felt strong, she tried to open the trunk, and then she realized that it was locked, so she hit the locked part really hard and she pushed the trunk door. Her hands started to bleed from hitting the glass that had pierced into her skin. She felt like she was about to lose consciousness from the blood loss, but she had the courage to go outside, and what she saw from the window could not be explained. It was too horrifying.

She wanted to leave. She wanted to forget that this ever happened. She just wanted to go on with her normal life, even if it was terrible. She did not want to leave her mom, and she did not want her mother wondering where she was, but little did she know that her mother was watching her. She saw and heard everything she did.

She eventually got out of the small space and stepped outside of the trunk. She was about to leave because she could not spend one more minute in there.

Then something happened. She had an urge to go back into the trunk even though she could escape. She felt like she needed to stay. She went back inside the car and into the trunk.

The van was moving, but just for a while.

Adela was still sitting in the dark when something, no someone opened the trunk. Adela saw the light, then more light, and then she saw a person. A person who had blood smeared all over his shirt and face.

He said, "Come on, are you coming out so you can sit on the seat?"

Adela said, "I don't think I want to."

She pointed to his shirt. He looked at it and said while shrugging, "Sorry, I'm a vampire."

As Adela still sat in that lonely corner, freezing, she asked, "Jordan, you're a vampire?"

"Yes, I'm a vampire warlock,"


Authors Note: blxckstylebizzle  miss you

Plot twist! O_o

Yes, Jordan is half vampire half warlock 🧙🏻‍♂️so he's pretty powerful! This chapter was almost 500 more words than the last! Like 1000 words! What the heck? Omg 41 readers? That's an accomplishment, for me! I feel like Alone is gonna be better than the other books that I deleted (they were stupid) because this book isn't as stupid as I thought it would've been! I just hope everyone is enjoying it and ignoring my bad grammar! :)

Tomorrow Meh Sparrow!

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