Chapter 6: Death and Spirts

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Adela starts to walk to Jordan but she can barely move. She reaches him while her legs tremble with every step she takes she falls down near him holds his hand.

"Is he dead, did I kill him?" Adela asked Genevieve tearfully.

"Don't cry, it is going to be alright,"  Genevieve said to Adela calmly.

"I just met him I don't want him to be gone," Adela said still crying.

"I do not know what came over me but I had a sudden urge to kill him and there was a voice that sounded like my fathers."

"What did the voice say?"
"It said "Kill him Bella, Kill him to be strong." after the voice said that, all I wanted to do was to kill Jordan."

"Why would your father say that?"

"I do not know why but this whole time I thought I knew who my father is. Now I know he is someone who would force his daughter to kill her brother who she loves a lot."

Jordan has scratches all over his body, blood is covering him head to toe. He almost lost an arm when Adela screamed. He got stabbed in the stomach by the knife.

"We could save him, if he is already dead then we cannot. He might not be crazy like your dad. Right now if he not fully dead we could summon an angel and he could get bonded to one of us. That could work." Genevieve explained to Adela.

"Okay let's try it, how do we summon an angel?" Adela asks with eyes full of wonder, the same wonder she had when they were bringing her dad back, but she regrets bringing her father back.

"We need a pure body of water, where the water is clear and the water flows very smoothly," Genevieve said.

"I think I know where," Adela said and she definitely knew where.

They drove to her home which took two to three hours. They stopped for food along the way. They had Jordan in the back seat of the car. When they arrived Adela felt like she was in the wrong place, but that was what she always felt like here. She could not go home, to her mother. It had been who knows how long it has been since she left. She could not face her mother. Not after all of the things that happened to her. Her mother would not understand anything anyway.

Adela doesn't know that her mother knows what she did and where she is now.

They came to the lake, the lake which felt peaceful even without her father. It no longer felt like that. it was just a lake. Nothing peaceful about it, but there was something. Something about it felt strange... then she saw them, she saw ghosts and spirits.

"Genevieve, this is a special lake. Don't you see all of the ghosts and spirits?" Adela asked

"They are floating all around," Adela said.

"Adela you must be joking, I can't see anything and I am a werewolf." Genevieve laughed at what she said.

"Well, I can see them," Adela demanded.

"Okay fine, we still have to hurry, this lake is good enough," Genevieve said.

"It might be haunted though," Adela said, a little scared.

"It should be fine," Genevieve said.

"It is time to start," Genevieve said confidently, but now with a little bit of fear her eyes.

"Time to start what? I hope you didn't forget me, I love to start thing.":said a girl who had a quiet voice.

When Genevieve and Adela turned around they saw a ghost who was floating and she had red fiery hair which was really long and had pale skin, but she was illuminated in white. So they couldn't see too much of her details, she seemed to have freckles.

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