Chapter 9: Talk About Hell

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Adela focused until she had her wings and she flew out the window of this chamber, she had to face her mother. Not to kill her but to talk to her. She landed on the ground and it was so hot. Her clothes were very dirty and ripped. She had to go get new clothes but she had no time and no money.

When she looked up she saw Duncan flying she had to hide from him.

She hid under a bakeries roof. She was there until he left.

She had to find a place to stay but she just stayed under the bakery's roof alleyway since nobody could see her. The ground was really still really hot and her feet were burning and the air was hot. It was hard to breathe. Luckily Adela did not have to touch the ground since she could just float, but could not float for long since she is staying under the hood of this shop. It felt cool and breathable.


The shop she was hiding under was a bakery so at night she would go inside and eat but now it was almost always locked.

It had been so long since Adela ate anything she was so thin that her bones were sticking out.

She then saw someone walking with a limp, she decided to help her. She had a brown shawl on her body

"Hello Miss are you okay," asked Adela

She was looking at the ground and she still was. Adela put an arm around her, the lady looked up and she saw who it was. It was not a lady at all. It was her father.

"Oh honey you always help people so I knew this would work," muttered Thompson.

"FATHER? What in the world are you doing but are you okay?" spouted Adela.

Her father stood up straight and became much taller.

"I am fine but Jordan is not his soul is in my body his body is somewhere rotting," mentioned Thompson.

"His body was in the car but I don't know if is still there, I haven't been up there in I don't know how long," responded Adela.

"It has been three months I know since it has been the same time for me," remarked Thompson

"THREE MONTHS, how has it been that long," screamed Adela.

"Yeah you look so thin, come with me honey I have a house here," spoke Thompson with the kindness that Adela longed for.

"Alright let's go fly there you can go on my back since you are too weak to fly on your own." effused Thompson.

"Okay then thank you father." bubbled Adela with excitement. Adela did not feel this in a while she felt...happiness.

All she could this of is that both of her parents are evil, and her mother is the worst of them all.

Now she wants to think about how her father is like how he was before the light in her darkness. The one who made her smile.

When she is flying with him she feels the air and how nice it feels, but since it is my life I can never be happy.

"Adela comes back to me." shouts someone.

When she looks at who it is and so does her father he accidentally drops her. Then she is falling until something catches her, and no someone catches her. When she looks at who she landed on and it's Duncan. She tries to escape but he is too strong.

Duncan brings her to his house. His house is pretty tiny with broken furniture everywhere.

"We have gotta stop meeting like this." Duncan retorts as Adela tries to get off him.

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