Chapter 3: Luna Genevieve

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Adela was frightened and was sitting alone in the corner of the trunk and could smell the cigar smoke and the blood. She had no idea that her brother became some sort of demon creature. Even if she barely remembered her brother, she knew he would never kill a fly. He was the kindest and the most caring person. He knew how to take care of her even when they were young.

After a long ride to the place where Adela still does not know where or to what she is going to, Adela calms down. She calms down because staying with her brother makes her feel safe. It makes her feel like she can do anything. There is just something about him. The vampire sitting on the seat being her brother makes her wonder if that really is him. Or if it is someone who just wants to mess with her and wants to make her even more broken than she already is. She knows that she will never do anything good without bringing everyone down with her. She knows that she will never do anything that matters in life so what is the point of it all but being with her brother makes her feel like she can do everything.

Jordan starts to get worried about Adela as he speaks after a while of silence, "I'm sorry, okay, but right now I need to take you to someone."

"Who? If you're taking me to someone then you should at least tell me who it is." Adela said to the supernatural being who stood just two feet away. Adela is curious about who he is talking about. Hopefully they will have the answers to what is happening.

"Who? I'm taking you to Genevieve," He replied. "She'll tell you everything."

"She better," Adela said, calming down but still frightened. Not because of Jordan, not because of the kidnapping, not because of Genevieve, but because of herself. She was afraid of herself, she was afraid of her life falling apart farther than it already has.

When they reached where the needed to go, Jordan held out his hand to help her get out, but Adela pushed it away and got out herself. She walked to the front, sat on the porch, and waited until Jordan got there.

"Hurry up," Adela called to Jordan as she was already in front of him, "I'm coming!" He called back. When he got to the front he sat with her and said, "I'm really sorry Adela, I never wanted to kidnap you." She heard the heavy-heartedness in his voice. After he said that he burst into tears. She looked at him and his eyes that were full of sorrow. Despite the blood on his face, he was innocent, he had lost someone that meant a lot to him. He had lost Adela.

"Jordan, if your telling me the truth about you being my real brother please do not cry, I understand how much you've lost and how you had to live without a family," Adela said softly she knows because she had to go through the same thing. When she did live with her mother she still always felt like she had no one.

He stops tearing up and speaks with a weak voice, but also with a smile on his face now, "Thank you, Adela," He started getting up and then said, "I owe you a lot."

Adela looked at him and smiled but then frowned. She had lived eight years without her brother, what if Jordan was actually her brother and she lost him again, but if he was a vampire he was immortal. He would never die, never grow old, but she would grow old. She would perish and he would stay alive forever without her.

'What am I thinking, vampires and witches aren't real. They're just made up, they're made for kids. They're in T.V shows, they're in movies. Not in real life, but what if it is my life right now. What if I have a vampire sitting next to me and what if I myself am a witch? The forest was so unreal, but my magic was so real. Everything supernatural happening to me felt so like it is not a fantasy when it was supposed to be a fantasy. My mother must be so worried. I don't wanna worry her, but I also want to know everything Jordan said Genevieve was going to tell me. I am so confused, I just want to go home and get some shut-eye.'

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