Chapter 8: The Capture

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"Who in the hell is that?" clamoured Duncan, confounded by the beautiful angel he had bumped into.

"I've never seen her before," answered Devon also mesmerized by the beauty of this person.

"Wake her up, I remember who she is now, shouted, Devon.

"That is Adela Rivers!!" exclaimed Devon.

"Who is that?" Duncan asked

"She is Elizabeth Rivers's daughter, she looks exactly like her."

"Wait Elizabeth Rivers? She destroyed us and our families!! Why don't we just repay her by killing her daughter." snarled Duncan.

"We can not she is the saviour trust me she is way stronger than you," confessed Devon.

"How did I bump into her and make her faint if she is so strong." murmured Duncan.

"She must have been tired, was she running?" questioned Devon.

"Yeah she was and she was running insanely fast and she was in her angel form," commented Duncan

"I guess that is why she fainted she is tired of that,"  Devon said

"I tried to wake her up but she is not waking up." retorts Duncan.

"She might just wake up by herself..." uttered Duncan.

"Or she won't and it's going to be your fault since you bumped into her," said Devon extremely annoyed by his brother's own misuse of power.

Devon carries Adela to their house in hell and puts her on a spare bed.



"Where are they?" said Genevieve sighing.

"I have no idea it's already been a week and you are is going to fall off the edge of sadness if you keep thinking about it and blaming yourself," Leah said back to her.

"Wait where did Ms. Rivers go?"

"I do not know she left when Adela did."

"Not only did she look angry but she also looked like she was in a lot pain. She also looked angry."

"I was supposed to be protecting Adela and I failed at protecting both of them. Now both Adela and Jordan are gone." sobs Genevieve. She starts to howl and it is a special howl. It is the one where werewolves from her pact from miles can hear.

After a few minutes, wolves from every corner appear. Then they became humans, they are werewolves.

"What is happening who are these people?" asked Leah.

"It's my pact and they are here to help," replied Genevieve.

"Hey, Genevieve, how are you? We missed you," said Octavia.

Octavia is one of the youngest werewolves in her pact. Genevieve is close to Octavia and treats her like a sister.

"Can anyone of you werewolves help me find Adela. She is the girl who was supposed to be staying with us. She is apart of our pact. I was supposed to protect her I lost her," said Genevieve.

"She is, you know we do anything for our pact members. Sure we will find her. Where she is?" asked Haylie.

"We saw her going underground, maybe she's in Hell," replies Genevieve.

"If she's in Hell we can't help you even if you are our Luna we can not even open the portal we are to old to open them," said Hope.

"Hey, me and Octavia can in the portals, since we are young werewolves. We helped protect her before too," said Oliver.

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