Chapter 5: Adela's Dream

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They taught Adela magic day and night, she learned very quickly. Jordan saw she was making mistakes but those were not mistakes those were the ways to trick Jordan that the witches in the nightmoon coven taught her. The morning sun witches were against the idea since it went against their very nature.

The first thing she learned was how to protect herself from the people who would stop her from performing the spell. Then they taught her protect Genevieve from getting hurt while Genevieve was protecting her. Lastly, the witches taught her to use the magic so Jordan could not detect what she was doing. They did this in secret.  After a month Jordan and Adela were ready and were heading out to go. They were in front of the front door.

"Adela I am impressed by how quickly you have learnt how to do this spell." Jordan said to Adela very surprised by her power.

"Yeah thank you helping me Jordan the witches didn't just teach me you did too."

"I did really well it was really nothing the spell was easy for for I am a high level warlock." Jordan winked.

"It shows that you are such a high level. Also you are so kind to the witches."

"Well I did date one of them I think her name was...oh yeah it was I don't remember. She was great but we only dated for a week before she disappeared." But Jordan did remember he dated a girl named Leah and she was not only Genevieves secret lover but she was also Jordan's. He knows that Genevieve loved her and he still dated her and it was wrong but he did like Leah a lot. He could never tell Adela since she is Genevieves friend and it would break Adela's heart. He could never do anything that would hurt his sister.

Oliver sees that Adela and is going somewhere with werewolves and with the witches and being an Omega he wants to prove his strength.

"Genevieve we want to help protect you all." said a small looking werewolf named Oliver.

"Oliver I know that you and Octavia have been training but going to where we are going might be too dangerous for you both. I do not want to risk you safety."

"Luna why can we not go? I promise we will be safe."

"Shh, do not call me Luna when Adela is here she cannot know because I do not know how to explain how I became your Alpha." Genevieve speaks with a quiet voice.

"Why is it because you had to kill someone?"

"Yes, but I did it on accident I killed Leah by accident."

"So what if you killed someone that is what werewolves do to become Alpha. They kill someone the love deeply right?"

"Yes but Oliver please do not do this since doing so can be very painful. Even if is natural for werewolves do not tell Adela about this I do not want Adela thinking I am a murderer. She is pretty faint hearted unlike us werewolves."

"Okay I will not tell her only if you let me come with you."

"Are you serious Oliver when did you become such an smart and sneaky little werewolf."

"Since I started Alpha training with you and Adam Alpha."

"Oh really, well that is interesting so that means I am smart too my little Omega."

"You are the smartest out of everyone and you are the best Alpha."

"I am I know I am okay you can only go if you stay with the hunter werewolves."

"Okay fine but I am going with Octavia"

Oliver heads to his sisters room to tell her that she and him get to go on the mission.

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