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"What were you doing, with Kenma?" Oikawa asked, he had sorrow in his eyes, heartbreak even, it depended on what I said next. Our relationship, our friendship, the next thing I said was all that matters. So what was it going to be?

"Toru I can explain-"

"No, you can't, Y/n," He chuckled, "I knew it. The way you look at him, the way you are around him, you love him, don't you?" He was crying now, and my heart sank. I never see him cry, he's the pretty boy that hides himself from the world and gets away with it. But when it actually happened, I knew I had fucked up.


"You know, sometimes I wish you'd tell me these things!" He yelled, you could hear the hurt in his voice, "When I asked you to be mine, did you just do it to make me feel better? Did you think that, 'Oh, if I don't get with Toru, all hope is lost.'?"


"I love you y/n, I love you so fucking much," He paused, staring me straight in the eyes, "But if you didn't want me in the first place, why did you take me?"

He ran back inside, still in only his sweatpants. The covers I put over him to warm him, they have no use now. He's cold, he's cold because of me. Because I can't choose who I love.

But I know, that if I let Kenma get hurt, hurt HIMSELF even, I'll regret it. I love Kenma, and it's about time I chase after him.

It's been 3 hours, and I still haven't found him. He couldn't have gone back to Tokyo, so where would he be now?

I called Kuroo, telling him that I had lost Kenma, nothing else. I needed someone to tell me where he might go, and he said his friend's house, "Shoyo Hinata", which was forever away.

"Thanks Kuroo," I say before hanging up, if he saw Oikawa run in, I can't have him asking questions. He didn't leave cause I insisted he stayed, it would help not start a ruckus.

It took me about 2 hours to get to Hinata's house if I ran, which was a little slow since I hate running. On the way there I ran by another path that looked almost too familiar to the one back home. The pretty purple flowers were in bloom, but how? It wasn't spring.

I knocked on the door, hoping the one who opens it is the right person.

"Hello, who are you miss?" A little girl with orange hair answered the door.

"Hello, is Hinata here? Is he your brother?" I tried to smile, but tears were slowly falling out, and she could tell.

"Yeah Hinata is here, do you know him?" She asks, pity in her eyes, "Actually never mind that you look sad, come inside."

I smile and walk inside. The little girl was really nice, her name was Natsu, gave me tea and a blanket, but where was her brother?

"Excuse me Natsu, where is Hinata?" I ask and she jumps a little.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I totally forgot!" She bows and then runs into the other room.

She runs back, pulling someone's arm, "Natsu, why, it's like 1 in the morning." A boy's voice said, guessing it was Hinata, "I'm tired, I haven't been able to sleep since Kenma came over."

"Kenma was here?" I ask at the edge of my seat. I was way too anxious for any of this.

"Yeah he was here, he seemed sad," Hinata stops rubbing his eyes, now glaring at me, "Were you the reason he was?"

I don't say anything, I was too guilty. "He ran away, saying it was fine," He's shouting now, "He said to FORGET about it, said I couldn't do anything to help!"

I'm ice cold, was this how Oikawa felt? No, he felt way worse...God I'm such a dick.

"Natsu go to your room please, you need to get some sleep," He says giving her a kiss on the forehead, "Oh, and don't worry about what happens to whoever this is,"

"Her name is y/n, and she is really nice! So don't be rude, " She says, running off to her bedroom.

Once her door was closed, Hinata walked up to me, leaned down to my ear, and asked, "Do you know how shitty I felt?"

His eyes, they scared me. He was said to be the nicest person ever, not to mention he's only a few centimeters taller than me. But right now, in this very moment, when he said those words I wanted to cry.

"Do you know what it feels like to have one of your closest friends come over to your house, looking as if they were going to cry," He hesitated, head in his hands, sitting down,"And then say, 'nevermind, you couldn't help me anyways'?"

He stood up, "I thought it was my fault."

Oh god, what was happening? Everything was falling apart, and it was all my fault.

"Now you listen to me right now, and you promise me it will happen," His face got really close to mine, our breath tangling in the air, "You go find him, and you make him feel better. Because I swear if you don't, I'll dismiss him from you myself."

He opened the door, pointing to the outside, "No go, before I kick you out."

I leave, and I leave quickly. I shouldn't have gone there, he didn't even tell me where he might have gone. Where should I go? I can't go back to the house, and I of course can't go home.

Wait, the path that I saw on the way here, the one with the Wisterias, the one that looked the same from back home. What did yaku say that day, something about, "Kenma always comes here, he thinks we don't know about it,"

It was on the path right?

I ran as fast as I could, I needed him here, and I needed to find him now. What would he be doing if he was there? Shit, what would I say to him if I found him?

I stopped, I was there. I made it. And if Kenma was here too, then he's right around this corner, sitting on a bench, staring into the water. Am I ready?

More important, is he ready?

I took a deep breath before turning the corner, and there he was. He was here, I was right. And doing exactly what I thought he was.

Then he saw me, locked eyes with me, god what a dick I was.

This was it, I had a chance to talk to him, another chance to tell him I actually like him, that I love him.

So I ran, the rustling of the flower petals beneath my feet, and the water flowing around the lanterns that were planted on top. It was perfect.

"Kenma, I love you so much," I say, wrapping my arms around him, "I love you more than anything."

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