Chapter 8

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Hermione woke to the sound of keys in the door. The time glowed from her alarm clock: 2:14 a.m. Light from the hallway spilled into the room when the door swung open. "Come on in," she heard Ginny say.

Hermione's heart thudded heavily as she realized what Ginny was doing. It had been a week since their conversation in the cafeteria. If Ginny had had any assignations—and Hermione had no doubt about that—she'd had them elsewhere. But she'd given Hermione fair warning, standing by the door in a pair of painted-on jeans and a low-cut red top, "I'm planning to bring someone back to the room tonight. You know. Just FYI."

And then she was out the door.

Hermione had studied for a while, then attended a basketball game in the arena. When she'd returned, the room was dark—and empty. She'd considered going out again. But she was tired and Ginny might not be back for hours yet. Besides, it was her room too—and if she were honest with herself, the thought of spying on Ginny and a lover was intensely exciting. So much so that she'd lain awake for what seemed hours, replaying the memory of Ginny and Harry fucking just a few feet away. But eventually she'd slept.

Now she was awake again. She lowered her head, shifting to lie on her side facing Ginny's side of the room. The room darkened. Hermione heard Ginny lock the door. The faint smack of kisses filled the silence. Hermione swallowed heavily, aroused and alarmed by what Ginny was doing.

By what they were both doing.

Last time it had been an accident. Tonight Hermione was complicit. She knew why Ginny had brought a boy to the room. She wanted to be seen having sex. And Hermione, god forgive her, wanted to watch. Just the thought of what she was about to witness excited her. She forced herself to breath slowly and quietly, to keep her eyes closed.

She tracked Hermione's progress with her ears. She heard Hermione and her lover kiss again. Heard a male voice ask, "How about some light? I like to see who I'm doing." He spoke in a normal tone of voice.

"Sorry," Ginny said. She spoke quietly. "My roommate's asleep."


"Don't worry. She's practically deaf, but if we turn on a light she'll wake up."

"I don't know about this." He sounded uncertain but Hermione had no doubt Ginny could convince him.

They were silent. Hermione risked a peek at them. Ginny was on her toes, arms around him as she kissed him again, very thoroughly. "Where else are we gonna go?" she asked when they came up for air. "We can't use your room—and she'll sleep through it."

"You're sure about this?"

"Yes. I'm sure I want you." Her lover gasped in surprise, then made a faint sound of pleasure. Hermione was pretty sure Ginny was stroking the front of his jean. "And I'm pretty sure you want me too."

The two of them crept toward Ginny's bed. Hermione closed her eyes again, feigning sleep. She kept her eyes closed through the sound of zippers, of fabric sliding against skin, and the clink of a belt buckle hitting the floor. Ginny's bed creaked.

Hermione dared a quick glimpse. The boy sat on the edge of the bed, with Ginny kneeling in front of him. He groaned softly. "Oh god, Ginny...." He leaned back on his elbow, head lolling, eyes closed and mouth slack. "Oh fuck."

Ginny's head bobbed slowly as she blew him. Hermione wished she had a better point of view. It wasn't nearly as exciting as seeing her give Harry oral sex. Not that it wasn't still thrilling. But she looked forward to seeing them fuck, to hearing the sounds of pleasure they made, and watching them come.

Hermione glanced at the boy's face frequently, checking that his eyes were still closed. He probably couldn't see her even if they weren't, but his vision would adapt to the dark eventually. But for now, she watched openly. She felt deliciously naughty and the feeling only heightened her arousal. Her skin felt too tight, sensitized beyond endurance. Heat gathered between her legs, drawing her fingertips.

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