Chapter 14

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Hermione got a lot more sex over the next three weeks. She didn't get laid every time she wanted it, though she managed two or three times a week. Practicalities like finding a room vacant or arranging for Ginny or Viktor's roommate, Harry, to give them some privacy had to be dealt with. Ginny was good about vacating the room, at least when she wasn't planning on entertaining her own lover there.

Harry was also accommodating. More than once Hermione stood by, blushing, as Harry gathered his things and departed for the library or elsewhere for a few hours. He never seemed put out by it, though once or twice he politely but firmly refused. It embarrassed Hermione to know that Harry knew he was leaving so that Viktor could have sex with Hermione, but it also excited her. And sometimes Harry and Ginny took advantage of Hermione's absence to make their own fun.

She was pretty sure most of Viktor's neighbors knew as well. None of them said said anything to her about it, but the knowing looks she got a few times, and some overheard comments made it plain: they knew. And to be honest, that excited her as well. Ginny wasn't the only one with an exhibitionist kink.

Now she stood knocking at Viktor's door again with no response. It was about five on Friday afternoon and the dorm hallways were mostly deserted. She concluded that he wasn't home when the door to her right opened and a guy stuck his head out. "Viktor's not here," he said. He was slender, with sleek white-blonde hair and sharp features. "He went home for the weekend."

"Right," Hermione said, feeling a hollow disappointment. Now that he'd mentioned it she remembered Viktor telling her he was going to be away this weekend. Some kind of family event. "I remember now."

The guy stepped out of his room. He was pale, maybe even paler than Ginny. He wasn't nearly as muscular as Viktor, but his lean physique wasn't pure bone. There was hidden musculature. Something about him made her think of a ferret before she chided herself for such a rude thought. He was attractive. He held an open paperback book in one hand, his index finger marking his place.

He presented his free hand. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," he said. His grip, when she took his hand, was strong.

"I'm Hermione."

"Viktor's girlfriend?"

Hermione wasn't sure how to answer that. She hesitated, then said, "Sort of, I guess."

Was it her imagination or did Draco's attention become more focused? She got the impression he was really seeing her for the first time as a person, not just an interruption. He let the paperback fall closed.

"Sorry. That wasn't a trick question," Draco said. "Friend of his, anyhow?"

"Yeah," Hermione said. "Yeah, I am." She chewed her lip for a moment, then added, "I guess I'll be going." She'd been hoping to make love with Viktor. Now she had nothing to look forward to all weekend.

"You sure about that?" Draco asked. He glanced into his room. "It's about to come down in buckets out there." He gestured for her to come look.

Hermione closed the distance until she could see through the doorway of his room. Through the window she could see dark clouds piling up, and tree limbs waving in the rising wind as the light faded. It had looked like rain on the walk over here, but Draco was right. It was about to pour.

"Come on in and sit down," Draco suggested. "I've got fire whiskey. You can wait out the storm in comfort or get soaked running back to your dorm."

"Well," Hermione said, "when you put it like that...."

"Great," Draco said. He entered the room ahead of her. He put the book down on a desk, grabbed a couple of discarded pieces of clothing and tossed them into a hamper, then pulled the chairs away from the desks on opposite walls of the room and placed them together. "Have a seat."

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