Chapter 13

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Hermione jerked awake, disoriented and alarmed. It took a moment to identify what had disturbed her. Drunken revelers in the hallway outside Viktor's room. The voices moved down the hall away from his door. A door slammed, then another. Silence reigned once more.

She settled back onto her side. Viktor was stretched out behind her, one arm draped over her waist. The noises hadn't awakened him. He must be used to them. She tried to relax into sleep again, but she was thirsty and her bladder was full.

She slipped out of bed without waking Viktor and stood dithering for a moment. The room was dark, but the LEDs in clocks and other electronic devices provided enough illumination to navigate. She knew Viktor's roommate was out, but the bathroom was a shared one with the guys in the next room. Should she get dressed just to use the bathroom? Could she even find her clothes without turning on the light?

Screw it. She crept to the door of the bathroom. The room was dark when she opened the door, though light showed in a strip beneath the opposite door. She closed the door behind her as silently as possible, then turned on the light. An enclosed toilet stall at this end of the room and a curtained shower cubicle at the other bracketed two sinks on the wall between them. She felt her lip curl as she took in the state of the room and wished she had slippers on. It wasn't awful but their standards of cleanliness were nothing like hers and Ginny's.

Well, she'd just be quick. She was grateful for the enclosed toilet. She latched the door and made use of the toilet. She'd just flushed and was reaching for the door when she heard a door open. She froze. A moment later, someone tried the toilet door. Should she say something?

"Viktor, that you, buddy? You dog!"

Hermione closed her eyes, wishing she were anywhere but here. But he wasn't done.

"Dude, seriously—where did you find that girl? Every time I thought you were done, your bed started banging the wall again! She must be one hot fuck!"

He wasn't going to stop. Not unless she stopped him.

"I guess I must be," she said.

Silence. Then, "Well, this is awkward."


"I'll just...give you the room." Footsteps retreated and the door closed. Hermione waited for a moment, then opened the cubicle door. She washed her hands acutely aware the whole time that she was naked, with a stranger just on the other side of the door. She glanced at the mirror just once. Her hair was in serious disarray, what Ginny called that just-fucked look.

Hermione dried her hands on the cleanest towel she could find, then fled the bathroom.

She snuggled up to Viktor. He caressed her thigh before wrapping an arm around her waist again. When he spoke, he sounded half-asleep. "Did I hear you talking to someone?"

"Nobody important."

He made a noncommital sound. His hand moved up to cup her breast. He kissed the point of her shoulder, then nuzzled her neck. His caresses became more focused—and more effective. Hermione turned to lie on her back, making it easier for him to fondle her, and easier for her to stroke his cock. She felt him responding. She met his gaze. "Again?"

"Yeah. If you're up for it."

"Sure," she said. "Apparently I'm a hot fuck."


Hermione shook her head. "Never mind," she said, before kissing him.

Hermione returned to her own room about eight a.m. Ginny was asleep on her bed, alone. She stirred briefly when Hermione entered the room, but didn't wake. Hermione's eyes burned with the need for more sleep but she took time for a very brief shower and brushed her teeth before she fell into bed with damp hair.

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