Chapter 12

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Monday afternoon Hermione found a note taped to the whiteboard on the door of her dorm room. It had her name on it. She unfolded it.

Guess you're not in. I had a great time with you this weekend. How about another date Friday night? I'd have called, but I don't have your number. Here's mine. -Viktor.

He'd written his phone number beneath his name. Hermione studied the note, a huge grin on her face. She felt unreasonably thrilled by the note, and it warmed her all over.

She pulled her phone out of her jeans pocket and added Viktor to her contacts. She sent a text: And now you have mine. I'd love to see you Friday.

Friday was painfully slow to arrive. Hermione found herself obsessed with thoughts of sex. Memories of sex with Viktor, fantasies about more sex with him. Curiosity about who else around her was having sex. It interfered with her schoolwork, distracting her in class and making it difficult to study. She masturbated almost daily, which was not like her at all!

Of course not, she told herself. She'd always rubbed one out as quickly and efficiently as possible when her sex drive became a distraction, a mechanical release to clear her mind. It was witnessing Ginny's sex life that revealed what she'd been missing. She was embarrassingly eager to have sex again with Viktor.

Viktor arrived at her door at six. Hermione wore jeans as usual, but with a green silk blouse Ginny had helped her buy. It was tighter than any of her other tops, drawing attention to her figure in a way that embarrassed and aroused her simultaneously. Based on the way Viktor looked at her when he saw it, it was producing the desired effect.

He gave her a kiss. "Hey, Hermione. You look nice."

Hermione smiled. "Thanks. You too." They stood looking at one another for a moment. "So," Hermione said to break the silence. "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Dinner and a movie," Viktor said. "Italian?"

"Great," Hermione said. Not that she knew anything about Italian food aside from spaghetti. She grabbed a jacket from the foot of her bed. "I'm out of here," she called to Ginny, who was primping in the bathroom for her own date.

Ginny popped her head out, grinning broadly. "You kids have fun! I've got the room tonight, right?"

"Right," Hermione said, glancing at Viktor. He nodded. "Later!" Hermione said.

Afterwards she couldn't have said much about the meal—and even less about the movie. It was some kind of spy thriller, but she was too absorbed in anticipating sex later that evening to pay attention to it. She leaned into Viktor when he put his arm around her, and rested her hand on his thigh. She caressed him through the denim of his own jeans. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head. She raised her head to look at him, inviting another kiss, which he gave her.

Very shortly they were seriously making out, the movie forgotten. They kissed intently, breathing through their noses, desperate for one another. She caressed him more firmly, stroking his thigh higher until she discovered his erection. Viktor stroked the side of her face, then dropped a hand to cup her breast. Hermione was excited to know that he could feel her erect nipple through her bra and blouse. In another minute, he was fondling her bare breast through the open front of her blouse and Hermione shocked herself by fumbling with the zipper of his jean.

Viktor broke the kiss . "Let's go back to my room," he whispered.

"God, yes," Hermione said.

Hermione felt certain everyone in the lobby and corridors of Viktor's dorm knew why she was there, that they were all aware of how she'd hastily fumbled her clothes back on for the walk from the theater. She kept her head up, though, resisting the urge to hunch her shoulders guiltily. She had nothing to feel guilty about. That was just her upbringing talking.

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