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FOR A PRINCESS AS important as herself, Giselle hadn't been on such an adventure in what felt like ages. Maybe that's why she didn't want to go home yet. There was something so compelling about these four strange humans and their quest.

There was also something compelling about the lady knight in particularly, in front of whom she sat on the back of a dark mare as they rode through rolling green fields in search of a port city called Redbágh. Her arms were strong as they held the princess in place and commanded the horse forward with a powerful flick of the reigns.

Perhaps if she or Morgana had the slightest idea how to ride a horse, the poor man wouldn't have had to ride with Kit, clutching loathsomely to the crevices of his armor, cheek pressed to his back because there was nowhere else to put it. She liked Selene's company, though, so she couldn't complain.

Morgana was dear to her, more dear than anyone else she knew, but she couldn't look at him without fearing for him. Selene knew how to handle herself, and it was refreshing. Giselle could relax with her. And Selene had long since made her point by now that she was on Giselle's side, so nothing about her made her afraid for her own safety.

Her thoughts traveled from her companions to the scenery as they got closer to the seaside. It was a refreshing change, no longer surrounded by trees, instead racing through green hills of fragrant flowers and birds flying high in the sky. She felt much freer in the open space.

The sea began to stretch out before them, a glistening body covered in thick fog. Once they got to the shore, they would continue on until they found Redbágh, a busy port village where most of Avalon's trade came in. All they could do was pray that no one too important recognized Kit and Selene while they were there.

The village began to peek through the mist, giving way to the glorious sight of enormous ships and hustling townspeople going about their business with purpose. The village was much larger than Fells, though not nearly as big as the capitol city.

"We're here," Chalice shouted over the wind as they slowed to a walking pace. "This is Redbágh."

Selene jumped to the ground, but didn't urge Giselle to do the same as she followed Chalice into the village, leading her mare as she went. They stopped first at a public stable, where Selene lifted the Seelie from the horse with strong hands at her waist, setting her gently down onto the hay-covered ground.

There wasn't much talking from anyone but Eurion, who was telling Chalice about the town. Giselle observed her to be familiar with the area, and she had to wonder whether it had anything to do with the fact that she was a foreigner. Perhaps this was the first she'd seen of Avalon.

No one gave them so much as a glance so far. They were all too busy to care, and if anything, they were probably used to people who didn't fit in. This was a port, after all. Giselle assumed they'd encountered their fair share of bizarre ensembles. They wouldn't be any different.

Eurion took the lead this time, showing them to a tower standing near the busy docks. Inside the tower looked to be a small shop of supplies and maps. There was a counter there meant for a worker, but no one was there. Eurion took the liberty of stepping behind it and examining wooden boxes full of various books, flipping through pages until she found what she was looking for.

"Here he is. Hyatt Conrad, Lady of Neptune. He's a greedy son of a gun, but he's not that dangerous to my memory," she told them, finger tracing down the page. Finally, she just tore the paper away, folding it up and stuffing it into her pocket. Chalice helped her put the books back to normal, and soon Eurion was leading them right back out of the tower.

"What's that?" Kit asked, watching Eurion with a curious eye.

"It's his record, it'll tell me when he's meant to come in and out and where he is now. What's the date?"

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