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EURION OPENED HER EYES to the sun, high in the sky and soaking into her skin. The floor beneath her was rocking, and when she sat up, she knew why. She was on a ship, with a full, gleeful crew of all women. And Chalice. They were there, too, sitting next to her.

"Hey, stranger," she told them.

Chalice turned their head and smiled. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah... I think so. Where are we?"

"Wherever you want to be."

She didn't know when she got off the boat, but now her friends were fighting off men while she snuck into a room. There was a chest, and she and Chalice lifted it up, running through the chaos and tossing it onto the ship.

The men tried to follow, but they left before they could do a thing, and she and her girls spat in their faces as they sailed away.

She was somewhere else now. The sky was darker, and she was holding the best rum she'd ever had in her life. She was bathing in gold and women and alcohol, with Chalice next to her, looking at her with a warm smile.

It wasn't the money or the girls or the alcohol that made her chest swell, though. It was the thought that she mattered, that she had a family, that she never had to worry about having nothing again. She had everything she ever wanted.

* * *

The trees were tall and the grass was green in Fells. Once upon a time, it was the only thing that redeemed the impoverished village. The buildings were ancient and ready to topple over and crush the residents at any moment, but they used their magic to hold them up.

They didn't need to do that anymore. The village was healthy and thriving, with buildings that were renovated and safe, and Chalice was never prouder to be a druid of Fells.

They climbed up onto the rock that hovered over the lake, giving them a full view of the prosperous village and the sparkling water and the hills that rolled on for miles.

"How are you faster than me at getting up here?" Eurion panted, climbing up the rock and joining the druid's side.

"It's probably because I started climbing first." They laughed at Eurion's groan.

"Okay, smartass, it wasn't that long after you."

Chalice didn't pay attention to banter anymore. They were watching a man teach his child to fish.

Fells never stopped being beautiful. But for the first time since the rule of Arthur's grandson, they weren't suffering. Their eyes were bright and their smiles wide, their homes safe to live in and their bellies full.

"Fells has returned to it's true glory," said Chalice. "It's all I've ever wanted."

They wanted to stay there on that rock forever.

* * *

Wind whipped through Selene's hair as she soared through the fields on her mare. There was a castle on the lakeside, and she had to be there ten minutes ago.

She sprinted into the castle the moment she could no longer use her horse, traveling up a stair tower until she reached the room she was meant to be in.

Giselle was there, but she wasn't at the Table. She sat behind Selene's chair, waiting for her to sit.

"So sorry I'm late," she said, kissing her princess on the cheek. "It won't happen again."

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