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THE MORNING GREETED KIT with a bright beam of light shining into his eyes, and he sat up from his bed with a groan. He could hear a commotion through the thin walls, and he deduced that he was the last one awake, as usual. He was so exhausted, but he always felt surprised when he wasn't the first to wake up.

Perhaps it was because his new companions let him rest. Unless it was urgent, they didn't wake him up until they had to, meanwhile at the castle servants pounded at the door until he rolled out of bed with bloodshot eyes. He had to admit, being able to sleep felt nice.

If it were anyone else watching Morgana last night, he might've went right down to the dungeons to check on him before he did anything else. But Chalice was his most trustworthy companion, he knew they wouldn't let him down.

So he took his time, soaking his aching muscles and dressing himself, shaving his ever-growing stubble and finding something to eat. They shared with the servants this time, but the meal was just as filling as it had been at dinner. It was the best morning he'd had in weeks.

Finally, he made his way down to the dungeon, greeted by the sight of a well-rested Chalice reading a book, and a very bored Morgana pacing his cell with a red apple in his hand.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Morgana crowed, giving him a smug look. "Sleep well?"

"I slept fine."

"Come on, now, just fine? Surely you had good dreams, this is the Vernal Court. Had to be the best dream of your life, I'm sure." He seemed persistent, like he was hoping for something.

"I don't remember my dreams well," Kit replied. "What, were you messing with my dreams?"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"I have no idea, that's why I'm asking."

"We should start getting ready," Chalice chimed in. "Morgana, eat. I'll be back with the guards meant to escort you."

The druid left the two alone then.

"You really don't remember your dreams?"

"Not well, unless they really shake me up, why do you care?"

Morgana scoffed. "I don't know, thought you might've dreamt about your undying love for me or something. Why else would you be so obsessed with visiting me?"

"Because I don't trust you," Kit hissed. "Whatever pleasant feelings I may have had for you before are gone now. All I see when I look at you now is a traitor."

"So you admit it," Morgana mused. "You had pleasant feelings for me."

"Strictly platonic, you obnoxious bastard," he gritted. "And it doesn't matter anyways, I don't feel it anymore. We're right back to square one where I hate your irredeemable guts."

"Hate is a strong emotion, why waste it on someone you don't care about?"

Kit clenched his jaw, frozen in his place. He didn't know what he could say that Morgana wouldn't twist to be what he wanted to hear, so he opted for silence. Morgana was still Morgana, though, and he couldn't escape his mockery no matter what.

"See, you can't even convince yourself. You still care about my wellbeing, as much as you wish you didn't."

"Why does that matter so much to you?"

"Because if you care so much then why are you still doing this?" Morgana cried, mischievous exterior cracking like the skin on his cheek, giving way to the face of a terrified man. "Why are you still trying to bring back Excalibur when you know my people could get hurt?"

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