Chapter 1

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Heyyy dudes! Just saying I've read almost all the hunger games highs that other wattpad writers do! I've always wanted to write a hunger games high, myself! Please enjoy and I do not own anything! Just saying..... Please vote, comment and follow or share! Thanks ~Hailstormhalo! :D

Kat's (Katniss) POV

This morning I was still sleeping when my younger sister, Prim, came in and started jumping on me. "Get up! Get up, Katniss! It's time to go to school!!!!!" She yelled in my face while shaking me. "mmm! School will never come! Go back to sleep Prim!" I moaned and groaned. She got up from my bed and ran away. When she did, she slammed my door shut. I went back to sleep in peace. Soon I could smell bacon and eggs and hushbrowns. I think Prim is trying to temp me on getting up. I finally decide to get up. I pick some clothes and have a 10 minute shower. I washed my hair and when I came out my clothes weren't there! "Prim! You little duck! Your gonna give my clothes back and pay!!!" I yelled from the bathroom. "I don't have them!" She replied frm downstairs. UGH! Great, just great.

Prim's POV

Today is my first day of Middle School. I get to see all my friends! Especially Rue! She is my best friend! Mom told me to wake up Katniss, so I did. I jumped on her til she would get up. I raaan away and slammed the door hard so she would get up. I hink she got the message. I could here the water running for the shower, so she mustve decided to shower. "Is she up?" Asked mom. "Yup, finally!" I said and mom laughed. She was making bacon, eggs and hushbrowns, Kat's favourite. I thought about playing a trick on Katniss. I quickly went upstairs to the bathroom, it's not locked, and carefully took her clothes out. I dumped them in the hallway. "Prim! You little duck! Your gonna give my clothes back and pay!" She yelled from the bathroom. I just giggled, so did mom. "I don't have them!" I replied back to her. She finally decided to get some sense in her and look for her clothes.

Kat's POV

I finished in the shower and soon my clothes were gone! I knew it was Prim straight away. Soon I was bored of waiting for my clothes to come back, I decided to go and find them myself. I wrapped my towel around me with dripping hair and looked for my clothes. Aha! Found them! They were in the hallway. I quickly grabbed them and ran into my room. I put on my bra and undies then my green t-shirt and my knee-length shorts. I dried my hair and braided it into my usual side-dutch braid. I check my clock and it said '7:50'. Holy shit! I'm gonna be late! I quickly grabbed my bag and some stuff I would need; earphones, IPhone 5c, Lip balm etc. I ran downstairs and quickly ate my bacon, eggs and hushbrowns. I ran upsatirs again and furously brushed my teeth. Then I ran back downstairs, said goodbye to Mom and Prim and ran out the door.

Cato's POV

Today I decided to wait for Kat. I was waiting outside her house for ages and could hear yelling. Probably Kat and Prim fighting again. I stuck in my earphones and listened to my music. (I have no idea what music guys listen to!) I check the time on my IPhone 5s and it read '7:50'. "Come on Kat." I kept saying to myself. Soon I looked up and saw Katniss running out the door. "Hey....Cato..." she puffed. "Wow! Someone seems like they've ran a race!" I said chuckling. "Yeah..." Was all she could manage out. "Here, do you want some water?" I asked her getting out my water bottle. She skulled it doen and I think she drank the whole thing. We started walking and she gave it back to me, empty. "Thanks Cato." she said giving it back to me. "Your welcome. Anything for you Kat." I said and she smiled. We kept walking until we reached the school. We walked around and looked at all the students. They all kept looking at us and Kat moved closer to me. "Cato? I'm scared." She said. "It's ok, no-ones gonna hurt you unless I'm around." I told her and I think she seemed safer. Even though we're not a couple, we are best friends. We walked into a room which seemed to be the office. "Hello, can I help you two?" asked the lady behind the desk. She was wearing a name tag that read 'Octavia'. "Um, yes." said Katniss. "We're new and we would like our locker, lock, combonation and timetable" I said. "Yes, names please?" asked the lady. "Um, Katniss Everdeen." said Kat "And Cato Hadley." I added. "Ah yes." said the lady and I smiled a bit. She pulled out two timetables, two locks and two combonations on a sheet of paper. "Here you are." she said giving the stuff to us. "Your lockers are 767 and 768." She said. "Thank you." said Kat politely. We turned and left. We walked to the locker room/hallway and found our lockers.

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