Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Now I didn't get very many comments (9 actually but not on answers to my questions just "Please update" comments) so I will just tell you who the person in the accident is in the story! Please comment and tell me if it's good or bad? Also please follow me and I will follow you back. If I haven't followed you back then please message me or comment to let me know and I will do that immediatly. Thanks.... enjoy chapter 4! :D



As Thresh was continuing I got a call, so did Gale. It was an unknown ID. I got up and went to the kitchen where it was quieter. "Hello?" I answered. "Ah, Miss Everdeen correct?" Asked the mysterious voice. "Yes?" I replied. "There has been an acciendent in your family." Told the voice. I was getting really anxious and worried. "Who is it?!" Shouted Finnick. I wasn't in the mood for him. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and turned around.



"W-who was in t-the a-accident?" I asked stuttering on the phone. "Your *he gulped* father." The voice said and I immediatly bursted into tears. The voice sounded like a man's voice. "I'm sorry but he is in the H&S Hospital with your friend Gale's  father." The man said. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. How did he know about Gale? "O-ok. Thanks." I answered and the man hung up. I put my phone down and turned to Gale. He had the same reaction as me. "So, who was it?" Asked Finnick. My face was red and Annie said to me. "Katniss? Are you ok, sweetie?" I shook my head. I ran upstairs and changed into some long jeans, a plain green t-shirt, my black combat boots/Doc Martin's and my hunting jacket. I quickly put my hair in a side braid, grabbed my phone and left in my car with Gale.

Annie POV

As Kat and Gale left I knew something was up. "What's wrong with her?" Asked Foxface. "Dunno?" Replied Cato. "Well, we have to find out!" Suggested Finnick. "I'm not so sure." Said Clove with a worried look on her face. "C'mon! It's Kat and Gale!" Shouted Marvel. "We're their best friends!" He yelled. Soon we all got up and changed into some jeans and t-shirts, with jackets and sneakers. We all headed out to Finn's van and we set out to find them.


I drove Gale and I down to the H&S Hosptial. "I-is it y-your d-dad t-too?" I asked him while stuttering and trying not to cry. "Yeah." He responded sadly. We arrived at the hospital and went up to the front desk. There sat a lady with a name tag that read 'Veina'. "Hello? May I help you two?" She asked us. "Um can you please tell us which room Phil Everdeen is in?" I asked rushing my words. "And Mike Hawthorne?" Added Gale. "Are you family, friends etc.?" Veina asked. "Yes." I answered. "They are our fathers." Gale added in. "Ok, room 556." She told us and we rushed off to the lift/elevator. I pressed the number 5 button and we waited til we got on floor 5. We stepped out and ran to room 556. We got there and my mother, Prim, Gale's mother, two brothers and little sister were there standing beside the two beds with our father's laying in them. Everyone was crying and normally I don't cry. Soon the beeping noice for the breaths stopped and it was a loud noise. "Nurse! Nurse!!!" My mother and Gale's mother, Hazelle yelled. Then in a flash a few nurses and doctors came and tried to help our dad's but we were ushered out of the room with everyone screaming and crying and thrashing about. We were all sent to the waiting room and I texted the gang.

Me: There's a possiblity mine and Gale's dad's might die ;(

Annie: Aw it's ok sweetie. We're hear for you.

Marvel: WHERE DA FUCK ARE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!?????????

Gale: H&S Hopstial 

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