Chapter 2

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Finnick POV

When the bell went after lunch I walked up to Annie. I tap her shoulder and turns around. She realises it's me and then sighs. "Um, Annie right?" I ask her and she just nods in response. I think I have her full attention. "So about the sleep over. Do you want me to bring anything?" I ask and she's daydreaming. I really wanna know what's going on inside her head!

Annie POV

When the bell went I was just thinking about Finnick.... He's so hot... and dreamy..... He taps my shoulder and I sigh at his gorgeous face and his amazing hair.... "Um, Annie right?" He says and I just nod at him.... "So about the sleep over." He starts talking. "Blah blah blah. I love you Annie. Your so pretty and cute. I love the way you dress and your hair is so nice I'm so hot and your so cool. We should be together." He says and flicks his hair. I giggle. Ahhh..... he's so hot..... "Annie!? Annie?!" He says and snaps me out of my daydream. "Yeah....." I sigh. "I said 'Do you want me to bring anything for the sleepover?'" I am wide awake now. "Um, bring your togs, a towel, pjs, clothes for the next day, pillow and blanket or sleeping bag." I tell him. He nods his head and then walks away. I stand there waiting for something to happen and something does happen. A girl comes up to me and says. "Get away from him!" "huh?" Is my reply. "I said 'Get away from him!'" She yells. I ball my eyes out crying and then she punches me in the face. It makes me wanna cry even more. I try to run away but it's just me and that girl in the cafeteria. She keeps punching me till my nose is bleeding and I have a black eye. I scream so loud that the birds stop singing and fly away, the students cover their ears and run away. Soon I'm knocked out on the floor.

Finnick POV

After Annie tells me what to bring I go to my locker. I get out all the books I need and walk off to Science. Soon I hear a girl scream so loud you could have gone deaf! I drop all my books and run to find the girl. I run into the cafeteria and see that it's Annie! She's being punched by another girl. "I said 'Get away from him!'" She yells and Annie cries. The girl punches her in the nose and then Annie is lying on the ground unconcious. "Annie!" I yell and the bully/ girl turns around and looks at me. She smiles and I frown and run at her. I kick her over and she can't get back up. I run over to Annie and see that she's not breathing. I give CPR to her and hear footsteps. "Annie!" yells Katniss. Cato follows and soon Jojo and Peeta come. Their panting and come over to me. I keep giving Annie CPR until she gasps for air. "Annie!" I say overly excited. Katniss is crying into Cato's shirt and I see that Jojo lets out a small tear. Peeta is just standing there looking at us. Annie smiles and looks at me. "You-you were dead." I say half crying. "Your heart stopped!" cried Kat whiping away her tears. "It's ok Finn, I'm here now." She says and I half smile and Katniss stops crying and everyone cheers. Soon I give Annie a kiss and she kisses back. "Do you wanna stand up?" I ask holding my hand out. She gladly takes it. "Annie," I say and she smiles. "I know we haven't met each other for very long but," Annie starts to happy cry. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I ask her. "Yes!" She squeals and kisses me. "That was beautiful man!" Says Peeta whiping away a fake tear. "Let's get to class." Suggests Katniss. We all agree and got to class. 

----------------(When Katniss and Cato kiss)--------------------

Clove POV

"Come on!" I whisper to Glimmer. "Why are we spying on them?" Asks Glimmer a little too loud. "Shhh!" I say quietly then point to the girl with brown hair in a braid and a boy with blonde hair. "Oh right." Says Glimmer. I peak around the locker and see them kissing! I'm about to cry but the girl says. "Cato? I hope no-one saw that." Cato! That's his name! "Can we just be friends?" She says. "Yeah, sure." Says Cato. Soon the girl walks away. "This is our chance!" I whipser to Glimmer. "What chance?!" She says a bit too loud then she pushes me over. "Woah!" We both say as Glimmer falls on top of me. I look up and see that Cato hasn't notice us yet. "Get off!" I say to Glimmer. "Ok, ok, geez!" She says getting off me. I dust myslef off and then Cato has gone. Soon we hear a scream and sounds like a girl. "What was that?" Glimmer asks. "Dunno, wanna check it out?" I ask. She smiles and we walk over and follow Cato and that girl he kissed. We watch a guy give a girl CPR and the girl is crying into Cato's shirt. "Come on! We should get to class." I hear them say. "Hurry!" I whisper to Glimmer and we run to class. "Ah, nice of you two girls to drop by." Says Mr Templesmith. "Sorry we had to," I say. He raises his eyebrow. "Go to the bathroom." Adds Glimmer. "Ok, but next time don't wait til the last minute." He says as we sit down. "Yes sir." We say in unison. Then he keeps on talking about boring maths. After maths I walk out and I bump into someone. "Ooh, so sorry." I apoligize. "No, no. It's my fault I should've watched where I was going." Says the voice. I look up to see Cato!!!!! Awe my gawsh! He's so fricken HOT!!! "I'm Cato." He says holding his hand out for me to shake it. "Clove." I shake it an smile. Soon we walk away together to Sport. "I have to change for sport." I say. "Same. I'll meet you outside the changerooms?" Cato asks. "Sure." I reply then I go into the girls changerooms and change into some short tights, a black tank top and I put on a black sports bra underneath and my socks and Nikes. Soon I come out of the changerooms and Cato is waiting for me in his gym wear. 

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