Chapter 3

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Cato POV

I can't believe Peeta! Why would he flirt with my girl-friend? I get so jealous over them together. He is really starting to get on my nerves! Today is Friday! Hooray! I love Fridays! I also love the weekend and the holiday!!! As I'm getting ready for school I get a text from Kat.

KittyKat: Hey Cato! Ready for Annie's party tonight?

Me: Yeah! Just getting my togs ready. Hbu?

KittyKat: Ditto

KittyKat: Cato? Can I call you? It's kinda hard just texting you.

Me: Yeah sure. what about?

KittyKat: I have a problem.

Soon I quickly finish packing my stuff. Then I get a call from Kitty. 

Me: Hey Kat. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?

Kat: Can you come and pick me up?

Me: Yeah, for sure. I'll pick you up at 8. How does that sound?

Kat: Awesome! Thanks Cato and I'll tell you when you pick me up.

Me: No problem. Bye.

Kat: Bye.

Then I hung up. I quickly made some toast and ate it. Then I got in my car and drove to Kat's house. (Which is around the block.) I arrived at 8:00 and Kat was standing outside her front door. I smiled and she got in the car. "Ok. So are you gonna tell me?" I asked as I drove to school. "Well, it's about you and Peeta and Gale." She tells me. "And? What about Gale, Peeta and I?" I asked. "I think I-" She stuttered as I pulled the car into a carpark at the school. "You what?" I asked. "I think, I have a crush on all of yous." She said quickly with her eyes shut tight. "So? What's the big deal? It's high school Kat, of course your gonna like people." I told her. "Well it's hard ok?" She asked. "Ok. Just forget about it for now and you can tell Annie if you want?" I said. "Ok." She said as we got out of my car. We walked in together and today went really fast. At lunch today, Thresh, Gale and Foxface came and sat with us. Annie invited them to her sleepover and they all said yes. In no time it was the end of the day. We all rushed to get our things and I think Kat was panicking for some reason?

##########TIME SKIP##########

~~~~~~~~~ANNIE'S SLEEPOVER~~~~~~~~~

 Annie POV

After school today, I ran home and got everything ready. As I was setting up the music, there was a knock at the door. "Coming!" I shouted. Soon I opened my eyes to see my old friend, Madge. "Madge? Is that really you?" I asked surprised. "Annie? Yes! It's me!" She squealed. "Come in," I said gesturing her to come in. "Wow! Are you having a party or something tonight?" Madge asked looking around at my lounge and kitchen. "Yeah, me and my friends are having a sleepover tonight." I told her. "Awesome! Can I meet your friends?" She asked. "Yeah! How 'bout you sleepover as well?!" I asked finishing setting up the music. "That would be great, Annie!" She squealed. "Awesome! Now, as your the first to arrive, do you wanna help me set everything up?" I asked. "Yeah, for sure!" She replied. Soon it was 5:30 and everyne started showing up. First it was Kat and Cato, then Clove and Glimmer, then Peeta and Finnick, then Gale and Jojo, then Thresh and Foxface and lastly, Marvel. "Guys! I want you all to meet my old friend, Madge!" I said introducing Madge to everyone. "Hi guys." Madge said as she waved at them. "Hey." "Sup" How ya doin?" "Hello." "Hiya!" They all said to Madge. "Let's get this party started!" Yelled Finn. Everyone cheered and Marvel went and played some awesome party music! I finished setting up the food when Finny came up behind me. "Guess who?" He says. "hmm? Peeta?" I ask. "Nope. Guess again?" He asks. "Um, Cato?" I know it's really Finn. "Nah-ah. Guess again?" He asks, again. "My Posiden Pants?" I ask. "Yay! You guessed it!" He cheers. "Hey, why don't you and the other girls change into your bikinis and come swimming with us dudes?" Finn asks me. "Ok, but I just gotta get the food ready first." I answer. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'll do it." He says. "No, Finn-" I get cut off by him. "I insist." He says. "Oh ok." I groan. I get the other girls and tell them to get changed for swimming. We all run upstairs with our bikinis and change in my room. "Wow, Annie, you have a nice room." Complements Kat. "Thanks." I blush slightly. We all chat and change into our bikinis then we all come downstairs. Cato whistles a sexy tune and smiles. All the guys smile at us. Then Finnick comes and takes my arm. "Shall we?" "We shall" I smile and Finn takes me to my pool. 

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