Surprise Sleepover!

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A/N: Sorry my depression became really bad but here's a late update!

Higa's P.O.V

After yesterday's shenanigans I was pretty exhausted from all the fronts and socializing. I woke up feeling pretty drained and decided to conserve my energy, meaning not much talking or happy smiles. Lila came into my room and helped me get ready, but there wasn't much talking.

"Want me to let the school know?" Lila said out of nowhere. I just shook my head no and decided to leave my long hair down so it could hide my face.

Lila put light makeup on me and went downstairs to get my breakfast and lunch ready. I put grizzly in my bag along with my pens and notebooks. I left the music on my dresser, quickly texting Kyoya how I'm not able to host or do anything musical today. Surprisingly he agreed and said I have to sit with him then and just watch or I could nap.

I figured it's better than nothing and decided I'll do homework while I'm accompanying him. I walk downstairs while I put my headphones in, when I grab my food I say thank you in a hoarse voice and head to school.

I listened to mostly rock music to school because it best fit my mood. When we arrived at school I kept my aura the same and blasted my music even louder to avoid all the chatterboxes that make up the student body. When I stepped out and started walking a long shadow engulfed me. I turn to see Mori-senpai looking down at me.

I gave a small halfhearted wave and mori just nodded. He then stuck his hand out towards me, confused I fist bump his hand without thinking and he just blinks. I realized what I did and was too exhausted to be embarrassed, so I just look at him as if asking him what.

He gave me a look that said 'your bag' so I sighed and handed the item in question over. I look at him thinking 'thank you' and he nodded. We started walking until we heard a very bubbly voice.

"HIGA-CHAAAAAAN" the blonde cousin yelled. Any second I was waiting to get crushed but it never came. I look at Honey-senpai and he was being held by Mori-senpai.

Honey-senpai looked confused but with one look to Mori-senpai it seemed like he understood the situation. He then started talking as if nothing happened and would occasionally look at me and Mori-senpai for a reaction. We mostly nodded by Honey-senpai didn't seem to mind.

Soon we arrived at my class, I turned to bow as a thank you but was stopped by Mori-senpai. He gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair, which cause a very faint smile to appear. Honey-senpai was as bubbly as ever and said by and jumped on Mori-senpai's back. I was given my stuff and I went into the room, ready to take on the day.

———-Timeskip to Club Activities ————-

Was I ready for the host club? Absolutely not. It was all too chaotic for me to deal with today, but I have to. Slowly but surely I made it to the infamous music room three. Luckily there was no cosplay or anything today so I won't lose my shit trying to convince Hikaru and Kaoru that I won't be their doll.

As I opened the door, I peaked inside to find it empty, I guess I was pretty early. I started making my way to Kyoya's usual table and sat across from the chair with the butt dent in it. As I sat down and laid my head on the table, I felt my mood slowly worsen. Even though I didn't really talk today I still felt drained. Maybe I need coffee?

I look at the kitchen door and head over to start making the coffee Haruhi usually makes. I figured it'd be best to do at least something for the host club. I searched through the cupboards and found a bag of french coffee beans. I grabbed the grinder and got to work.

Once I prepared two big pots of the coffee, I poured myself a bit into a black cup that resembled a rose. I thought the cup was so adorable that I looked around and checked out side the kitchen to make sure no one was in yet. When the coast was clear I lifted the cup and stared at it with a slight blush.

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