A Day Out!

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T.W. Sharp objects

Higa's P.O.V

The host club decided to go to the local mall to eat and hang out. On the way there we had Mori-senpai drive us in a normal looking car so we don't stick out and honestly we look like a dysfunctional family. Honey, Tamaki, and I were in the back row, Haruhi and the twins were in front of us while Kyoya and Mori took the front. Of course Tamaki was upset and wanted to sit with Haruhi but he was soon distracted when I put my new stuffy Drago onto his lap.

"He can keep you company for now." I shyly said. Tamaki almost died and guarded Drago with his life.

As we made our way into the parking lot Tamaki handed Drago back to me and we started talking about what shops we want to go to. Honey wants to go to a sweets store, Tamaki wanted to go get Haruhi new clothes and I just wanted coffee.

As soon as Mori parked, we all climbed out of the car and I stayed close to Honey as my anxiety started to bubble up inside me. The mall looked more packed than I would've like honestly, so it made it both easier and harder for us to stay safe. We walked towards the entryway and I couldn't help but look around in hopes of seeing some undercover detectives. Once I spotted a few that subtly nodded to me, I started to ease up a tiny bit but my focus was interrupted when I felt something warm on my hand.

I look to see Honey staring at me intensely and his grip on my hand lightly tightened. I was shocked but didn't show it, instead I just nodded and we walked hand in hand.

"Look all those guys!"

"Yea total hotties!"

"Look at their siblings!! So cute!!"

"Fraternal twins?! Awww and they have matching plushies!!"

I slowly moved towards Honey and hid my face in Drago, I hated attention especially since we are trying to hide from Nina. Honey moved me to his other side so I'm between him and Mori-senpai, which I was very grateful for. We soon reached a familiar bakery and I perk up at the sight. In bright lights was the name "Kobayashi Coffee Co." and the store front had an earthy aesthetic while the inside was more modern.

"Higa-Chan?" Honey asked, I turned to him with a sparkle in my eye.

"Can we please go in?" I said with puppy dog eyes. Honey laughed and turned to Mori-senpai.

"Would you like coffee Takashi?" The blue haired boy asked. Mori-senpai nodded and us three went into the shop, which had a soothing atmosphere.

As I looked around I saw a wall that had a collage of newspaper clippings. I walked up to it and started reading all the headlines, some were about the shop and my moms success story, some should photos of my mom opening this exact location and one that stood out to me was an article about the day my mom passed away. I have already read a bunch of articles on it but this one has an interesting headline.

Hina Kobayashi Murdered in Her Own Home but Husband is Nowhere to be Found

Nowhere to be found? Did he leave my mom for dead? What the hell, then what about him and Nina? What if he payed Nina to kill my mom? Would he do that though? It seems extreme but it's possible.

"Higa-Chan your coffee." a deep voice said behind me. I turn to see Mori-senpai holding out the cup in front of me, which I gladly take and say thank you.

"Mori-senpai, do you think my father paid Nina to kill my mom?" I asked suddenly.

"Mmmm. I don't know." He said while thinking. It was a random question but it was worth a shot to ask.

"Guess we'll have to see huh?" I said mostly to myself but Mori-senpai hummed in response.

Soon we heard Honey-senpai walking towards us and took that as our cue to leave the shop. As I walked out I made a silent vow to find out the truth no matter how long it took me. As we were leaving I saw a shadowy figure for a moment, but when I turned towards the direction they went in I didn't see them anymore.

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