Closer to Honey

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A/N: TW- murderous intent and ideology (slitting throat)

Higa's P.O.V
As Honey-senpai was talking about this new cafe he wanted to visit, I couldn't help but stress over what we are gonna do with Nina. Also how can I lure her into a trap of some sort? Would I be able to be a live bait and stay safe? What would she do if she caught me? Would it be best that I just be handled so she can stop chasing us?

I get lost in my thoughts that slowly but surely become dark, but before I could start blaming myself for this madness I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Mori-senpai with his ever so stoic face.

"You're tense." He stated.

"Higa-Chan, Takashi and I will protect you! You have nothing to worry about ok?" Honey-senpai smiled.

"She won't stop until I'm killed, which means you two can die at any moment because of me." I sadly state.

"But we won't! You're worrying about something that hasn't happened yet." Honey-senpai suddenly turned calm and normal instead of cutesy. Mori-senpai nodded and ruffled my hair.

"I'm going to go make some tea" Mori-senpai stated and stood up to go to the kitchen. It was quiet between me and Honey-senpai but it was nice.

"Higa, you'll be ok. I'll make sure you're safe." Honey-senpai said barely above a whisper. I slightly smile.

"Maybe it's best I leave and go find her myself. It will put everyone in less danger." I sigh. Honey-senpai looks at me as if I said cake was the worst dessert in the world.

"You don't really believe that do you? Do you know how devastated the host club would be? How about Mimi? You need to stay with us we are prepared if anything happens." Honey-senpai angrily said. It's scary at how serious and threatening he just became.

"I don't but right now it seems like the best solution for everyone." I gritted my teeth.

"Don't give me that, you know me and Takashi can help you!" Honey raised his voice.

"I'm not some kid you need to babysit! I've been alone this far I'll be just fine without you!" I yelled back.

As Honey-senpai was about to snap back my phone chimed saying I had a text message from an unknown number. I slowly open up the message and feel tears threatening to spill.

"Take me home Mitskuni."

————————— Timeskip—————————

Honey's P.O.V

As our driver, along with two police officers, pulled into Higa-chan's driveway I couldn't help but feel some sort of dread. The house, which is already abandoned, looked destroyed and utterly dark. When the driver opened up our doors, Higa-Chan ran out immediately and made her way to the back gate. The two police officers went inside to sweep the house and look for any trespassers while Takashi and I tried catching up with Higa-chan.

As we reach up to her still figure that abruptly stopped, we couldn't believe our eyes at the scene in front of us.

Higa's P.O.V

Destroyed. That's what my beautiful and intricate garden looked like. The most precious thing in my life, one of the few things I had left of my mother was burned to the grown. The gazebo where the host club and I hung out was scorched, as well as torn apart. My bridge leading into the second half of the garden was chopped in half. And the fish... the poor fish were poisoned and look like deflated, floating balloons on the water. The grass was charred and my flowers were wilted and black, and even though it was hard to move I ran towards my broken gate. I leaped over the stream, making sure I don't fall on my casted arm, and walked over the gate as my reality slapped me across the face.

She's Mean, but She's mine! (HoneyxOC)Where stories live. Discover now