The begining

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(Most of this is in Bakugo POV) It's about the first month of school and these damn extras can be kinda helpful, right now deku and half-half have been dating for 2 weeks now and I'm a little annoyed the deku actually likes half-half.                                                                                    

Anywhere the extras have gotten more powerful over the month but I need to beat them so I will be the number one hero, I especially need to beat deku and icyhot there my main competition right now.                               Heading to school I see icyhot leave his house so I duck into alley, not waning to be seen. I follow him but instead of heading to school he heads a different way through a alley way I get concerned and head back to the normal way to school.                                                                           

By the time I get to school only half-half is not here, so I'm still confused on why he is not here then I hear deku muttering something about cementoss. It was kinda cute to hear him mutter but then he stops seeing all of us staring at him, so he gets nervous and stop.

Once our teacher Aizawa comes in we all shut up and listen on what he has to say, he says we will be doing one on one battles against each other but the catch is we will be matched with someone who has the same weakness as us.

When we get to the arena we learn what are enemy's will be, I'm against half-half because are quirks are less affecting in closed areas and then I learn that deku is against dumb hair because they both have a maximum to how much damage they can take and receive.

I then realize there are 2 people who will not be joining us because they don't have any knowledgeable weakness are Frog girl and four eyes, true they don't have any physical but emotional we all have one weakness and that is we all care about our friends very, very deeply.

The first team to go is 3D printer against bird face, they are both against each other because they have skilled quirks but they can get harder to use when you use it more, so they battle in a rocky biome making it harder to move around but when they find each other it's a interesting battle but 3D printer barely one.

The next battle is me verses half-half we're underground in a parking garage with tons of cars I run in wanting to find icyhot before he finds me because I could be in real danger if he finds me first. I then stop to listen then hear footsteps nearby, so I run around some cars to hid then when he comes buy I blow up the car.

He gets shocked then tries freezing the car to the ground but he ends up just cutting it in half, so it just goes flying away. Then I aim a explosion to break up the ground but he shoots ice and fire to distract me well he a runs over to the broken car, he grabs the car and throws it at me knocking me out and winning.

The next battle is octopus arms vs invisible girl because they both have harder time with one on one combat, there arena is a beach setting. During the battle octopus arms makes a couple of ears to hear her footsteps since she want fully invisible, he suddenly punches to the side and we hear a ow then she falls on the ground knocked out.

The next battle is deku vs shitty hair, there on a factory biome because they don't have very flashy quirks to give noticeable attention so it would be harder to find each other but it could be a vicious battle when they do.

We see Deku run using some of his quirk ( he can use up to 20% of One for All) suddenly he jumps up onto a pipe and sees dumb hair so he tries to jump down silently but dumb hair hers him, so he spins around and gets ready to fight.

Deku Jumps up trying to smash the ground to make it harder to move but kiri runs up and hits deku as he falls to the ground looking injured but not hurt, as he gets up I was getting scared because he had a large cut on his arm, if anything happens to him I will kill anyone who hurts him but I'm never, never going to tell him.

Soon after Deku gets up he runs up and sends kiri flying back but he tries grabbing Deku's arm, so he goes flying back along with kiri bot dumb hair takes the most damage being in the front of the attack. When they hit a giant pipe it falls down crushing them both under piles of metal.

821 words
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