The attack

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First I want to say what made Denki and Deku evil, so the shots they were given completely reverses there mind so they were the opposite of how they were.
Deku POV
Looking in on Denki I hope he is ok we could use a smart villain like him, we were hoping kiroguri (hope I spelt in right) could heal him but it's taking longer then expected. In the mean time Shigaraki was talking about kidnapping some more students but we need to cause fear in the students so we're going to get ahold of the spy in UA beside we still need to go get dabi back.

I snap out of my thoughts when toga comes up asking if we could go get some blood, I want to ask her why but I just say yes. She wants to head downtown to the mall knowing it will be packed. We head to a weapon vault to go find a weapon for me. After finding the perfect weapon (Axe and a set of daggers) we go find kiroguri, hoping he will warp us in. Once we find him he says yes. Toga the happy person she is squeals but I get impatient, so I ask him to open the warp gate and I pull toga in.

We see that we are outside in the back of the building. We find a entrance then begin our killing spree, toga is flying around getting blood as I stab everyone is sight. There begins to be less screaming because everyone is dying. Soon pro hero present Mic and Mount lady get here but Mount lady goes to find toga, so I take on Present Mic. He gets ready to scream but before he can I chopped his head right off.

About 5 minutes later toga comes up with a couple jars of blood, she says one jar is mount lady's blood. She see's present Mic's head and laughs. She starts to say something but we get pulled into a warp gate knowingly back to headquarters. We get back to headquarters so I head back to the weapons vault and toga heads to were she keeps her blood. I go check on Denki and he is up and awake but still not in the best condition, Shigaraki says that he is going to go get dabi back from the heroes since we know were he is.

We get prepared to attack UA but Compress would not shut up so Spinner and compress had a 10 minute argument. Once they shut up kiroguri opens up a gate on top of the school, he then closes the gate walking with us in case we need a quick escape. We find a ladder heading down to a room, climbing down I see someone in the room. I ask shigaraki if he can disintegrate the window knowing it will be more quite then breaking the window. I climb in once the window is disintegrated getting ready to attack.

We climb through seeing Momo, knowing she was powerful I ask compress to capture her. Well compress was going through the window he fell making too much noise waking up Momo. Compress gets up then captures her with his orb, (if anyone actually knows what they are can you tell me) before we can react gang orca breaks down the door wondering what that bang was, seeing us he runs up to throw a punch but Shigaraki grabs his hand killing him.

There might be more heroes around but for now we head out of Momo's room hoping to cause a commotion to help us find Dabi. We decide to have shigaraki and spinner go and find Dabi. Well we find some kids to kidnap kiroguri helps by opening a warp gate bring 3 nomu through, immediately they break walls and floors waking students up. They see the LoV with nomu everywhere. They get out there phones and call any hero they can.

I head off with Compress as Toga and kiroguri head off to the right. We break down doors looking for students but they are gone. We finally finds two students one with dirty blond hair and one with red hair. They seemed to be staring at me, wondering what why they staring at I ask. The dirty blond haired says D-Deku what happened to you.

Immediately I'm filled with rage, I run up trying to stab the dirty blond but the red hair smacks my hand breaking my hand. Compress then joins the fight by spreading smoke throughout the hallway. The smoke starts clearing up I see someone about 2 feet in front of me. I run up stabbing whoever was there. I here the person scream knowing I must have hit. I found compress with the red hair. I was happy knowing that the blonde hair would be mad.

We find a way to get on top of the school, as we wait for kiroguri it becomes lighter. I contact kiroguri to open the warp gate for us after we wait then it opens. We head through finding Dabi back with the rest of the LoV, happy with today's attack we head to bed.

871 words

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