The first

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(Deku Pov )
As I'm fighting kirishima he grabs my hand as I use One for All to send him flying , so instead of him flying we both going flying into a giant pipe and get crushed by metal. Right before we hit it Kirishima spins me around protecting me from the impact of the metal.

I hear kirishima asking if I was ok but I was more worried about him, he took in the impact. I tell him I'm fine but I ask him If he is ok, he says he feels blood but otherwise he's fine. I ask him if he can get up, so he tries to get up only able to move a few pieces of metal of us.

The next best idea would be to scream fore help so that what we do. What feels like 5 minutes later we hear Todoroki, Kacchan, and Aizawa yelling for us, they then see the large pile of metal and they hear screaming from the pile, so they start throwing the metal of to the best of there ability but there's one piece that they can't get off. I hear them run off then they come back with Mina.

The ask us to stay still and try to get to the side so Mina can melt the metal to get us out. It takes awhile but we and up escaping. After we escape we thank all of them then rush of to see recovery girl, nothing to bad but kirishima has a broken rib and I have a dislocated shoulder.

We can't see the rest of the battles but I had fun talking to kirishima. We have many things in common like how we use are quirks and our attacks about an hour later Yamomo comes and brings us back to class. When we get back everyone ask if we are fine. Later that day Aizawa ask us if he can talk to us after class.

When class if over Aizawa says that was not my normal power level it was much more powerful, he thinks it could be the work of a villain or someone helping the villains. After we talk about the chances we head to our dorms to relax after the training today.

I decided to play a game with Shoto, Ojiro, Mina, and Momo. During the middle of the game the lights go out and we hear a scream, we hear Momo tell us to stay calm and she makes flashlights to help us see. What we do find is Jiro lying on the floor bleeding.

When we call up Mr. Aizawa and tell him to bring heroes to help us look we find nobody except all of the students in the building raising   concern but they said they leave 2 pro heroes with us to keep us safe.

We learn the next day that Jiro will be ok she just needs to stay with recovery girl one more day to make sure she's ok. As we head to classes we hear class 1B talking about Tetsutetsu getting hurt last night, so we ask them around what time he got hurt and how he got hurt. What scares us most it was about an hour after Jiro got hurt.

During class Aizawa says that we will be practicing our quirks at a stadium with different arenas to expand our quirk length and power because we're all on high alert because of the recent attacks on the students.

When we get to the stadium we learn that Jiro will be joining us because she is fully healed now. The training goes smooth but suddenly the ground shakes and rocks come flying at all of us, so when the shaking stops we make sure that know one was injured. There was nothing to life threatening just Ojiro and Shoji got knocked unconscious.

They send 3 pro heroes looking for what caused that earthquake sadly they don't find anyone. We decide to leave after that do nothing else happens to us. We all know someone is the cause of this we just need to learn who.

It's now the weekend so I head out with todoroki since we have been very busy with school lately. I'm still kinda scared of what he told me though, he said if I told anyone the person I told and me would die but I put on a happy face. He snaps me out of my trance by asking were we should go to eat. I tell him we should get katsudon, ( I probably didn't spell it right) it's my favorite food.

When we get to the restaurant todo orders soba and I order katsudon. ( still don't know if spelt right) When we get our food the waiter trips and spills it on sho, and he looks very mad. Once he gets cleaned up we decided to take our food to go. On the way back to the dorms he says that something will happen that will make the waiter regret tripping.

I'm tempted to break up with him he's starting to scare me but I'm afraid he will do something to hurt me. By the time we get back to the dorms it's about 2:30, and it seems not many people are back yet which is normal because we need to be back by four. We decide to watch a movie for awhile.

When more people start coming back from the dorms we start making dinner. I decide to help Kacchan and Sho but as soon as I walk in I see Sho put something in someone's food, I act like I don't see it and help put out the dishes scared for whoever eats the poisoned dish
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