The murders

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Bakugo POV
Now we have Deku and Denki gone but I have suspicion about half-half and his so called alibi. I've been hearing rumors about how the teachers are planning on keeping the kids on campus and having the parents come visit there kids on campus.

I snap out of my thoughts when kiri came up and asked him to help him study tonight for a test we will have in a couple of days, I tell him sure and ask him what he needs help on in our English class. He wants help with our poetry unit which I'm good at. 10 minutes later I hear a scream coming from the 3 floor dorms. Everyone runs up and they see uraraka lying on the floor around a pool of her blood with a knife in her heart.

She was dead, there was another murder on campus and now one could stop the murder. The teachers are calling other heroes for protection against the killer in the building or the killer getting in the building. There are now 2 pro heroes on each floor one to keep watch during the morning and one to keep watch during the night.

We have midnight and gang orca keeping watch but I think everyone doesn't want midnight sneaking into our dorms. It takes forever but when I finally fall asleep I have nightmares about me killing Deku and kirishima dying in my arms. I can feel someone shaking me, as I wake up I see kiri trying to wake me up.

Midnight runs in and says she heard screaming coming from in here, kiri tells her that I was having a nightmare and he came to see what was happening. She just seemed relieved there was no villain attack. The next morning I go talk to kiri about my nightmares about him and Deku. I tell him that my nightmares were about me killing Deku and him dying I'm my arms.

I tell him that if they ever came true I would kill myself just to be with them. Instead of listening kiri says we can assume who I love now. Instead of walking away I just say yes I love Deku then he say that's fine I don't care if your gay. If you love him so what go find him and tell him you love him. We need to find him and denki anyway to safe them.

Suddenly todoroki comes over and says something is wrong my mind is being erased I need help please help me then he stops and says what we were looking at. Scared me and kiri leave to tell Aizawa about what half-half said. We head to the classroom first but he is not here, so we head to the training grounds but he is know were to be found.

We decide to find present mic hopefully thinking he will know were Aizawa is but when we find him he doesn't know we're he is but he helps us look. Present Mic heads to his dorm not finding him so he ask some teachers, midnight says he say him heading outside. We head out there looking for Aizawa but when we find him it's not how we would like.

Mic immediately yells for midnight. When she gets here she screams at the sight, mic ask if he can put him to sleep so we can bring him to a recovery girl. What we saw was Aizawa with his arms covered in deep cuts and his leg looks almost cut off at his knee. The first thing I ask is how because Aizawa is a powerful hero so nothing weak could harm him it would have to be crazy powerful.

This could be a very dangerous threat. With kids dying and getting kidnapped we could be in deep trouble. We leave the recovery girls office leaving present Mic with recovery girl and a unconscious Aizawa. After talking with Sero, Shoji, Asui, and Momo we decided to keep tracking chips in our clothes and hide cameras in our room for the next murder.

The scream was surprising but we hear it and run to the scream, we run into rooms but when Momo breaks into Ojiro's room she barfs. We head in kiri screams and Sero faints. Ojiro's tail is cut off and across the room with a trail of blood leading to the tail, he seems to be hardly breathing but when we lean down to take his pulse it stops, he was dead.

We yell for midnight or gang orca to get the body out of here but when they come in midnight screams and pukes, Momo drags midnight out of there. Gang orca grabs the body then asks us to grab the tail. Shoji grabs the front, so me and kiri grab the middle. He takes us across the grounds to a shed. When he opens the door and we head in we see coffins, some of them have our dead classmates in them.

Kiri starts crying, he was friends with just about everyone in the class so seeing there dead bodies must have really hurt him. With a quick estimation if seems there is about 25 coffins, enough for everyone in class 1a plus some teachers. We leave after putting Ojiro and his tail in a coffin.

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