Chapter 1 : The beginning

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                   My name is Adrian Fuhër and I live in a place somewhere in earth called Münster and it is in Germany. We have beautiful cathedrals and my family have a house near Lake Aasee.

                   I have been joining some of my friends who lived nearby to a party one evening when I saw a stark of light on the night sky. I called my friend Estella, Aslan and Melanie to make a wish.

                  Estella who was a big fan of astronomy made a wish for a new telescope since her brothers Eugeine and Elliot made it into a kaleidoscope of coloured plastics and Playdoh.

                 "The power of knowledge is always better than the arrogant power of simply knowing", she would usually said to us. I just like to hear her talk just because there is always a chance for her to pass down her oh-so-great knowledge of mathematical and physque.

                   Aslan who was dating Melaine announced his wish to make out with her in the woods next his house already came true in a snap. Sounds of kisses and constant 'ooh's' and 'aah's' became louder by the second. I always wonder what she sees in that stupid friend of mine.

                  Estella who got disgusted escaped back home as she bid me farewell. Aslan's parents went to America to ran some bussiness for a month or so and since then his house became a lovers hang out. Yes, you heard it right. A lover's hang out. He even named it Cupid's Arrow as if anyone who goes in there will fall madly in love. Not me, though.

                   I finally escaped the scene and went back into the house to discover that all of them
are either drunk, high or making out all over the place. Loud music filled the house. And I am not going to tell you what kind. I went into the driveway and walked back home. Never to know that my day is about to get worse.


                   It was 10:38 a.m. Everyone was evacuated to an evacuation hall nearby. I was still hazy because it was Sunday and I'm sleepy as my parent helped me pack my clothes and valuables into my luggage.

                   A live boardcast went on at every television,news and even notifications. Every capital and buildings related to political power was destroyed last night. Some were burned to the ground and extraterrestrial lights were seen everywhere on the crime scene.

                    Some lives where lost and as typical mortals we are, we started to point fingers at each other. Some say it is some sort of terrorist attack. Some also say it is now Judgement Day so they start with all this prayers and stuff.

                       Suddenly a terrible shriek broke the squabble. I woman who was holding her phone just now fainted. People gathered around her and her husband was distressed.

         " My son...... my son is one of the person who...... who is kidnapped....."

                        Apperently they were reading the list of people who was abducted by these extraterrestrial beings. Before we could ask any further, an unknown channel popped up everywhere live.

                         A very tall being with some blueish human skin appeared. Its skin looked reptile-ish and its face look like something you wish wouldn't ever appeared on Aliens or Predator movies even if they made an extra scary one that people with weak hearts or preagnant can never watch.

       " kish...haa.....kish.... I am now-kish-kish........
the ruler of this planet....kish........From now on you will be slaves to us ............. and any act of rebellion will lead to death of your......kish........ family......kish.......haa..........."

                          I couldn't feel my heart after that. How could this be? Is our planet's millitary army not enough? Or is this a hoax?
My phone gave me 2 notifications. The first one is about rules what we can and cannot do. My heart sank lower and lower as I read it.

                     We are slaves and prostitutes now. We can't even eat without their permision and we have this breeding programs that is splited into 2 categories. First categories is to breed among humans but not to be able to have any marriages and the second is to breed for them.

                      I can never imagine such horror. Where is the protesters when we need them the most? So my other notification signalled that my phone is now under survallience. Rushed foot steps were heard and before I knew it there were loud noises of shootings.
                     And everything went dark.


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