Chapter 2 : Master

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Trigger warning: contains molesting and rape

                        My body feels hot and the floor feels wet and sticky. My eyes were blindfolded. I can't say anything it feels like I have a fist size mint in my mouth. My drool slithers down my body and I feel uncomfortable. It is feels so hot I can't ever take it.

                       But first where am I? It all happened so fast. I tried to move but I can't. I don't feel any restraints though. Suddenly something really cold and wet was poured on me. Something or someone must have played a prank on me. I tried to call out names but the thing in my mouth seems to be getting bigger and bigger while moving deeper into my mouth till it reached my throat. I gagged and retched.

           " Mmmffffhhh-urghffhhh!!!!"

                        Something suddenly pushed me down on the ground with my ass on the air. I tried to struggle as hard as I could. I used to go the gym for workout because I thought my first crush would love abs but now it became a hobby.

                          Something went into my hole without any warning and went deeper and deeper. As if it knows, it pushed something in there that I could help but shudder. It felt so good. It paused for a while for reasons I wish to not know. And suddenly a voice whispered to my ear.

                           " So there is that spot, hmm?" The voice was rusky and deep so it has to be a man. I wiggled and did everything I could do to get away from this pervert. I was suddenly picked up and brought somewhere and he laid me down again onto something soft.

                           "Mmmmmmhhpphhhh!!!!!" I tried my best to protest but it was no use. Without my strength, I can never give this bastard a real hard punch. And when I felt all hope is lost, that bastard opened my blindfold and thus, my mind is blown. He is an alien.

                         He has very muscular build that even I was terrified of him. His eyes were reptilish in structure and colour. He has blue hair and his tongue ( I caught him licking his lips ) is grayish purple and super long ( I am starting to hope not ).

                             His fingers were ( thankfully ) 5 at each hand and was very human like. His skin were dark brown and overall he looked humane enough ( apart from his eyes and tongue ) for me to relax maybe because the thought of this alien can't do much to me.

                              "What's wrong Adrian? Checking me out is it? I can assure you that you'll get what you need if you followed my rules as you humans call it," whoa.... He got balls ( its not what you think! ) to say that to my face. You are so screwed you motherf****r!!!!!!!

                           "Hmmmmmmphhh!!!" I tried. I wiggled and some how I got more and more strength as my kicks became higher. Oh yes. He is screwed for sure. How dare you put something in my hole!!!

                         "Tch... this won't do, sweetheart," He grabbed my hands and pressed on my head  and I think it looked something like a chain or a rope but it is metalic in colour. He tied my hands with it and he did what I think is a dead knot. That is cold and very metalic. Fudge... these bloody aliens can even bend iron.

                       As a sign of revolt, I threw wild kicks and tried to scream but the gagged became bigger till it limited my jaw and constantly going deeper. It is now at my throat entrance. Anymore movement from my mouth  is not doing me any good.

                      Even so, I did't stopped the kicks. He then grabbed my legs with iron grips and spread me wide open. I was exposed. I of course hated it and tried to fight my way through but he just hold me there till I tire myself out.

                  His position didn't even budge and that bastard eyes were focused on my dripping hole. Bloody hell. When he saw how exhausted I am, he put something in my ass so quickly that I could only flinch and stare. What. Was. That? He then took off my gag and throwed it away like you do when someone pass you a crumpled peice of paper of useless notes from preschool.

                    "Now sweetheart, listen to me carefully because the next time you do something like that again, I won't be so nice about it. You are now my pet or whore as you humans protested. I won't tolerate any disobedience or refusal as I have sex with you. You shall only address me as Master. Nothing more, nothing less. You can only look at me and nobody else. You may not talk to anyone and cast your eyes on the floor. You must be submassive and only eat if I say so. Do you understand?" He said and I was so sure it wouldn't end well.

                        "Weißt du was, du verrückter? Du kannst dich selbst ficken gehen," I spat at him angryly. ("You know what, you freak? You can go fuck yourself") His face showed no understanding as he pulled out a chinese fortune cookie shaped device.

                      "Was ist das? Glückskekse lesen, sind wir? Was wirst du machen? Sag mir mein Schicksal?" I scoffed at him. ("What is that? Reading fortune cookies, are we? What are you going to do? Read me my fate?") His fingers did some sort of a swiping motion on it and suddenly I felt this really painful vibraton at my ass. What no... is it really coming from inside of me??!!!

                       I wiggled and did everything I could to stop the movement and it just won't stop. The ailen stood there and chuckled like a pervert he is. He hovered over me and started to pinch my nipples. The strange and new sensation was trully forgein to me and I can't help but to cry with pleasure.

                       My moans were unstoppable as he started to pull on my delicate buds. I have never been the one to recieve such ecstasy before and come to think about it, I wonder neither did the other poor souls who is in the same situation as I.

                     "I am going to give you unthinkable pleasure all night long. If you can be the perfect slut that I wanted, I may give you a reward, okey?" The bloody ailen whispered seducingly on my ear. His breath heavy and lustful. Sadly for me, it does turn me on.





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