Chapter 4 : Escape Plan

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               I was just laying there sleepyly while continuing to count stars at the miky way when a strange noise interupted my daze. It was robotic enough for me to look at the cause of the noise.

               A robot as short as the table came rolling its tiny tires to me. In its claw-like hands is a can of beer and spätzle (egg noodles). It handed them to me. I was craving for one of those! Except the beer though. I was not craving for that. I wanted some plain old plain tea.

             Plus, the beer ain't helping me with my healing progress and which I deducted that ailen teared my ass somewhere. I am not going to have beer right now so when the robot came near me, I tried asking  questions.

              "Excuse me, where am I ?" I tried to ask that first. The robot just put the food on the table and just whired as it stares at me. I took a bite of the spätzle and just continued to look at the robot while awaiting for its answer.

            "You know that its extremely rude to not answer a question when you are literaly here, right?" I asked. He just looked at me with whatever it had for eyes.
             "I thought that I made it clear that you may not speak to anybody without my permission", the ailen said telepahticly. So he is actually listening.

               "You had just abducted me, you think its funny to put a hologram of a pink milky way just to mess with me, my phone is missing and now you gave an injured person beer!" I said loudly. I think that the robot had just flinched. I never seen a robot flinch before so I am not sure about it flinching.

                "Look, we had talked about the rules ever since you were on earth-" he started but I am gonna interupt him real quick.

                 "What do you mean 'when I were on earth?' I thought that we ARE on earth", I stated. Did this motherfucker just abducted me and bring me to the middle of space? The solar system do not have a pink milky way. Or does it?

                 "Calm down. I'm just hiding you so that we wouldn't encounter any other beings," he said. I can't believe this shit. I'm gonna kill him. He raped me and now he is taking responsiblities, I could accept that. But now he had abducted me and isolated me in the middle of space is not acceptable!

                 "........How could you....??" I slowly seethed. I wanted to curse and yell at him but it won't change the fact that I am stuck in the middle of nowhere, my back and legs felt amputated and I don't want to drink beer right now!

                  Aslan would be a good thing to have around now. He would gave me good advises for times like this. He would say things like :
                 "Adrian, you serious fish!!! If you kept brooding all day like a spineless fish you are, things are not going get better!! If you are alive then act like what we are made to do, Think our way out. People won't do it for you and neither would I. You're lucky that you're alive and smart, not most people can do what you can do. Now go! Don't go flipping and flapping aimlessly like a spineless fish."

                 Think my way out..... if I am held captive inside a space ship with oxygen, located in the middle of space, have no knowledge beyond the available knowledge about space known to mankind, I have german food served while I am currently immobile perhaps the captivator is maybe caring enough to let me wonder around this space ship?

                  "Excuse me, can I have some tea instead?" I tried asking the robot next to me with its wandering eyes. The robot looked at me as if it was waiting for something. So I tried one of my mother's trick if my father ever looked at her like that :

                     Her words were actually more seducive but I don't want a crazy robot craving for me, now do I? The robot beeped at me and went on its merry way. I leaned into the soft and slightly warm pillows and sighed. I need to recover first. I won't be able to do things properly if I am injured.

                   I took another bite on the spätzle and chew on it slowly while savouring its taste. My grandmother made amazing spätzles and gave them to me everytime I was in distress.

                  She died last year along with my cat, Alastor. She knew she was going to die. I knew she knew it. Everything was too perfect the day before she died. She wasn't complaining about her spine, my parents were very sweet to each other, I was in a good mood and so was she. I scored 2nd in class and and we had a very memorable dinner that night and she stayed in my room singing old german songs that she used to sing with her late sister.

                She died in her bed while sleeping. She was smiling in her even in her death. I later found out that she even freezed a pot of spätzle in the fridge with a note on it.

     "Wie wäre es mit Spätzle zum Frühstück?"
        ("How about spätzle for breakfast?")

                I chewed in it silently and a tear slid down my cheek followed by another tear. Alastor died soon going missing for days. He must have missed her more than I do because he was later found on top of her grave. When we reached there, he let the entire family pat him and we let him sniff us. I was the last person to let him sniff me and he died on her grave. We buried him next to her in the end.

                 I crying momentarily before a short beep cut me from my memories. The robot looked at me sadly as it handed me a cup of tea. I took it and mumbled a quick 'thanks' before drinking it. I later managed to finished my food without crying.

                  The robot took all of it away for me and left. I hated relieving old memories like this. It just make more sadder. Now I can't stop crying. Damned it.

                "Are humans always this fragile?" The alien telepaticly asked. Oh, I don't know.... do aliens reguarly abduct people and hid them somewhere in the galaxy?

                 "I don't expect you to understand, alien," I replied sniffing through my tears. It went silent for awhile. Guess he thought leaving me alone would be a better idea. Estella would comfort me at times like this.

                   "Where are you anyway?" I asked it. It didn't seemed to be anywhere near me ever since last night.

                   "I am attending some bussiness at Main Control. I'll visit you when I'm finished. Zero will attend you for the time being. I'll make up for the lost time," it said. Main Control... huh. As expected for being inside a space ship. I huffed away my last tears as I continued eating the food.

        I'll escape for sure. It is that or nothing.




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