🖤 All Babies Are Valid 🖤

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I think this is extremely important to talk about, no matter who you are, bring little is perfectly fine <3 people can be mean and de- validate you but you are perfect just the way you are and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.


Of course, this goes without saying, but a lot of people feel they can't be little or should be because they don't fit the little stereotype or they aren't what people think of when they think little but everyone can be little and everyone is valid as one.

I remember when I first came out as a regressor, I was only thirteen and a lot of people don't respect littles who have a big age of under eighteen, I used to cry about it because no one accepted me but of course, if you regress and you're underage it's perfectly fine and your doing nothing wrong.

Here's a list of things that do not de- validate you as a little, if you fall under any of these categories you are perfect and you can regress anytime you like, no matter what people say <3

🤍 If you're tall
🖤 If you're short
🤍 I'f you're under eighteen
🖤 If you're considered middle aged or over
🤍 If you smoke/ vape, drink or do drugs
🖤 If you're LGBTQ+
🤍 If you're a cis man
🖤 If you're hypers*xual
🤍 If you're not white/ Caucasian
🖤 If you have tattoos or piercings
🤍 If you have a criminal record
🖤 If you're alternative
🤍 If you're chubby or plus- sized
🖤 If you don't have typical 'little' interests
🤍 If you have poor mental health
🖤 If you have good mental health
🤍 If you're skinny
🖤 If you use neopronouns
🤍 If you're a furry
🖤 If you don't want/ need a cg
🤍 If You're a kid/ teen regressor
🖤 If you can't regress in front of people
🤍 If you have ADHD/ Autism or anything of that nature
🖤 If you're disabled, physically or mentally
🤍 If you're muscly or enjoy working out
🖤 If you're also a Cg to another little
🤍If you rely on a Cg or can't regress without one
🖤 If you're a 'top' while you're big
🤍 If you're particularly masculine
🖤 If you swear
🤍 If you regress alot
🖤 If you don't regress very often

And I'm sure there a plenty of other things I can't think of right now, but I assure you you are valid even if you are something I haven't mentioned. If I haven't mentioned you, but you'd like some validation, I'm very happy for you to comment or Dm me and I'll happily make sure every little one knows they are perfect and should be able to regress :3 <3

of course, you can comment your opinions or ask me any questions about any small subject :) also any other things you'd like me to talk about. I'm happy to listen to anything and everything you have to say :3

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