🖤 Little Space Terms 🖤

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So let's go over little terms and abbreviations, I thought it would be good to put it near the start as I might use the terms further on :)


So let's start with some terms;

🖤Little Space / Small space / head space
This is the term used for the little side of a regressors mind set. If they are in little space they are regressed.

🤍Big Space / Out of head space
The opposite of Little space. When a regressor is in big space, they are not regressed at a normal age.

🖤 Regressor / Little
A person who regresses

🤍 Caregiver / Mommy / Daddy
The person who cares for a Regressor, normally their Partner but it can be a platonic relationship as well.

🖤 Main Caregiver
If someone had more than one Caregiver, the main Caregiver is the person that cares for them the most.

🤍 Ageplayer
This is not regression, this is a k*ink word for someone that pretends to be a child as a fet*sh

Be careful when using the terms Little, Little space, Mommy and Daddy as they aren't just used by regressors and are widely used also by people who partake in the ageplay k*nk. And some people may think that's what you're talking about. :/

Now let's move onto some abbreviations; :)

🤍 Agere / Agereg
Short for Age Regression

🖤 Cglre
Short for 'Caregiver Little Relationship' (this is also a term used by the k*nk community so be careful)

🤍Kidre / Kidreg
Used for describing someone that regresses to kid ages, 6-12

🖤 Babyre / Babyreg
Used for describing someone that regresses to baby ages, 0-2

🤍 Toddlerre / Toddlerreg
Used for describing someone that regresses to toddler ages, 3-5

🖤 Teenre / Teenreg
Used for describing someone that regresses to Teenage ages, 13-17

This is not regression, this is another k*nk term, it stands for Daddy or Mommy Domi*ates Little Boy or Girl, it's a fe*ish and all age regressors should stay away.

Again, this isn't regression, though it gets confused with it a lot. Abdl stands for Adult Baby/ Diaper Lover and basically describes somebody that enjoys acting as a baby or wearing diapers, they don't regress, they just enjoy doing it. It's not a k*nk, though it's not the same as agere.


So those are the basic Little terms :) and some commonly misused or misunderstood terms. I hope this actually helps some people :3 as always, you can comment your opinions or ask me any questions about any small subject :) also any other things you'd like me to talk about. I'm happy to listen to anything and everything you have to say <3

🤍 Little space 🤍 (an agere book) Where stories live. Discover now