Chapter 1

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Eren has been throwing up a lot for the past month. Every time I try something with him he would just push me, run into the bathroom, throw up and pasts out. I look out my window and saw the new comers training. I hear a knock on my office door and turned back so I was facing my desk. "Come in." I said pretending to do work.

"Um... Captain I...have something to tell you." I look up to see that it was Eren who was knocking. "What is it you have to tell me?" He walked in after closing the door behind him and sitting down in front of me holding his lower abdomen. "Um so I...I-" "Spit it out you brat!"

I yelled at him. "I'M PREGNANT!!!!!" "What?!?...... How?" "Hanji said it has something to do with me titan powers. She also said that your the father sense your the only one I had sex with." I can't believe it I'm actually speechless. "I'm sorry Eren I can't be the father of this child."

There was a few seconds of silence until Eren broke it. "I-I understand." He said getting up and walking to the door but stopped. "I'm going to keep the baby no matter what you say, bye." And walked out without another word. Why.... Why did you have to have titan powers.

To think that he would be happy. Hanji was right, I was expecting more than I could handle. I walk to Hanji's lab to tell her what happened. *sigh* "Don't worry Eren I'll take good of you and the baby." "Thank you Hanji, can I sleep I your room until they find me one so I can move out of dungeon. I mean you always sleep in your lab." "Of course you can I will do everything my power to keep you and the baby healthy."

*sigh* I wish Levi had said that. "Night." "Night Eren. Try to calm down." I walk out and headed to Hanji's room. As I walk down the hall I see Levi walking toward me so I hid in the bathroom behind one of the stalls. I hear the door open and see Levi throw the cracked door.

"I thought I saw someone come in here, guess I'm seeing things." And walks out without another word. I walk out of the bathroom and ran to Hanji's room to sleep and try to clam down. I touch my abdomen and start rubbing it. "Everything will be ok....... Everything is ok." I drifted off to sleep repeating those word.

~~next morning~~

Why did I say those things to him. But I am right I would be a horrible dad. All I have to do is not care about it and act like there is no baby. ".................I'm such an idiot." I said banging head on the wall in my room. I got dressed and went to the dinning hall to eat with everyone.

When I got there I see that Hanji, Erwin, and Eren were not there. Were could that be this early. I shack it off and ate not paying any attention to the others screaming at each other.

*snore* "I'm up!!!" Shooting my head up with some papers stuck to my face. "Hhhmmmmm what time is?" I said stretching and yawning. "Mr. Clock where did you go. I refuse to tell Levi that he was right that I need to clean my lab. There you are hiding from me." I pick up my clock and look at the time. "Ahhhh it's 7:15 I need to wake up Eren and feed him." I take off my lab coat and ran to my room as fast as I can. When I get to my room Eren had rose petals all over the place. I walk over to him and gently woke him.

"Eren wake up it's time for breakfast." That's Hanji's voice, the one I really like, the mothering one. I open my eyes and see Hanji smile softly. I give her back one but mine was felled with more happiness. I feel something land on me and see Hanji looking up. I look up as well and see a lot of rose petals falling on me. " what's happening?"

"I don't know I'll do some experiments after we eat. Let's go Eren." "Ok, ok I'm coming hold on." As me and Hanji walk down the hallway she stops in front of commander Erwin to wake him up. When that was done all three of us walked to the dining hall, Commander Erwin did not even ask about the flowers he just looked over most of the time. When we walked in I sat at my sat and Hanji handed me my food. Everyone was staring at me eating, I look at them and they're just staring really hard at me.

"What? Is there something on my face." I look around and see Levi looking at me and went right back to eating not caring about me. 'I feel sad now, why don't you care?' I go back to eating not caring and I can hear Hanji jumping with joy over something. "Eren look at me." I look up to see Hanji giving me a big smile.

"Don't worry, everything's ok nothing is going to hurt you." What Hanji said made me happy and I gave her a soft smile back. Hanji looked up and started to jump up and down all over the dining hall, it's a good thing that no one was in there but us. "Eren were you filling sad when you saw Levi?" Hanji asked my still jumping but in place. "Y-Yea I guess I was."

Oh....My.....GOD!!!!!! Eren's rose petals stopped as soon as he saw Levi. I know I should help Eren feel better but the rose petals disappearing as soon as he feels sad. I see Levi get up and leave from the corner of my eye. "Eren when you are done eating lets go sit down somewhere outside and cool down some." "Okay that sounds like fun, why not."


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