Chapter 5

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After about half an hour they got back to the castle. The whole way back Eren and Levi did not talk to each other. They only talked to Hanji or Mikasa. Hanji told Levi to take Eren to a more comfortable place and make him take a nap. Levi was about to take Eren but when he turned around him saw him turning a corner and going somewhere. Levi followed him to see where he was going.

Hanji and Mikasa were unloading the carriage and put bring them back to Hanji's lab. Eren was hungry and was hoping someone was in the kitchen to help him find food. Levi was close behind him but not to close that Eren could see or hear him.

'So hungry. There better be someone in the kitchen.' I walk throw the doors of the kitchen and a blonde hottie with his back to me. He was putting away some things in the sink so someone else can do them. "Um... can you help me with something?" "Huh?" He turned around and I see who the blonde hottie was. And oh my god it was-.

I lost Eren somewhere, Petra just had to talk to me. 'Where did that brat go this time.' I walk down to the dinning hall to see if Eren had got hungry. I was about to walk past the kitchen when I hear something from the room that sounded like pots and pans falling on the floor. So I run in and see the boy Eren calls a horse face on top of him. I don't think they heard me come in, because to me it looked like they were about to kiss but knowing Eren he could never kiss that boy-. *kiss*

~some time ago~
I can not believe that Jean was the hottie, but he did look good from behind. "What do you want?" He said in a rude tone. "You just had to say something. I can't believe I thought you were hot too." 'Shit did you just say that?" "I'm sorry what?! You thought I was hot?"

"I said nothing of the subject." "Your lying!" This was going to go on forever so I just got to what I wanted. "I'm not! Anyway I- *sigh* I need your help." "Oh really?" He said in a annoying tune.

"Yea. Well you know that I'm pregnant right?" "Yea I do. Because I over heard it when you were talking to Hanji, when you found out." "Wow ok. Well seeing as I'm "with baby" I get hunger a lot. So I need you to get me some food that I would normally get by myself." "Ok sure." I gave him a confused look, and walked over to the refrigerator taking out some pickles. "Can you get me the peanut butter please?"

"Since you're being so nice." "Shut up." "So mean. Um do you want the whole thing or-." "Yes." I turned around from after putting the pickle jar down on the counter. Jean handed me the peanut butter and I put it next to the pickles.

I took a pickle and dipped it in butter a little. But before I got a bite Jean bit into it and giving my a smile. "Why did you do that!" I asked trying my best not to kill him. "Relax I was just teasing it, that peanut butter was last touched two weeks ago." "Aww you're worried about me."

"No and just for that I'm not giving you back your peanut butter. Plus the peanut butter is bitter so don't eat it." I started to fight Jean as he put the peanut butter up over his head. I jumped on him and we both fell, Jean landed on top of me, and the butter rolled off somewhere. 'He said it was bitter and I don't believe him one bit.' So I kissed him, tongue and all. I broke the kiss and looked back at him. "You were right it is bitter, oh well get me something else then I'm hunger!" "Fine you big baby."

He picked me up and put me on the counter so I don't make anymore trouble for him. "I'm not a baby!" "No but you are carrying one in that bottomless pit you call a stomach." "I hate you." "No you don't." "Yes I do." "No you don't." (And that goes on for two minutes but stops when Eren's stomach starts rumbling.) *blush* "Alright I'll see if we have any unopened jars of peanut butter." "Thank you." "Here." He said handing me the new jar. "Yay." I eat the whole thing until there was nothing left in the jar. "Fatty." I hear from Jean as he helped me down from the counter I was sitting on. "Bye Jean!" "Bye, see you at dinner."


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