Chapter 6

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I bet your all want to know why I said all those things to Jean, well that's because me and him are best friends. Yeah I know weird right? Well you see on one of our missions Jean and I were on a team and we got hit by a Titan, got knocked out and fell into a river. We fell floated down and Jean was the first to wake up he was the one to pick me up and found a cave but before he found one he shot a black flair to tell them where we were. I woke up when he was starting a fire, we just sat around it and started talking about the past. Jean had told me why he was so mean to me, he told me he had a crush on Mikasa, and I told him that Mikasa and I were not dating.

So I (the grate and beautiful friend that I am) helped him tired to get a date with her. He is the only one (next to Hange and Erwin) who know about me and Levi, well that was until the news about me being pregnant got out thanks Erwin. Well on to other things, I'm looking for Levi right now so he can help me bring my stuff up to Hange's room. There is a trail of roses behind me I fell happy right now and nothing is going to take that away, not even Levi. As I turn a corner I see Erwin walking down the hallway with papers. As he walks I hoped he would have not turned my way but, nope he turns.

"Oh hey Eren, how are you been since you got back?" He asked me as he puts his hand on his hip (the one that was holding the papers).  "It's been fine. Um have you seen Levi around I need his help with something." I said trying to look everywhere but his eyes. "I think I saw him running to his room not to long ago." "Okay thank you, do you mind telling Hange to make some room for me, she'll know what I mean."

"Okay I'll see what I can do, oh and you're not going to be able to train with ever one like you use to. You're going to take it easy until that baby is born understand?" "Yes dad, read you loud and clear." I replied walking away as my rose heads turned into daises. 'Huh? I was only joking and they turned to daises. I wonder why, this is going to confuse me until this baby is born isn't it-' *Bump* "Ow!  Hey look where your going okay?!" I hear someone yell as I was falling to the ground after hitting something hard.

"Oh shit sorry about that-" I started but was cut off as my eyes move up to see what ran into me, only to find out it was Levi. Yes Levi the ass hat that told me, the person that was holding his seed for a whole mouth, that he did not want this child. And is now yelling at me to look where I'm going. "Shut up Levi, I don't have time for you okay?" I said get up and looking down at him. "I need your help putting my things in Hange's room so you can cut the shit." I continued to say while walking away from him.

'Shit why'd I say that to him I mean I didn't think or know it was him when I said that.' *sigh* I walked behind him as we go down to his room to got his stuff. It's not all bad I find something out about him; he move his ass in a swinging motion so I just stared at it as we walked to his room. "Levi what are you looking at back there?" Eren asked as he turns to face me. "N-nothing at all; umm I think we should hurry and get your stuff before night fell."

"Okay? Well I don't have much stuff to get so we should be done in about a few minutes or so." He said walking down to the basement. *sigh* 😞 'Well I'm not getting any father points.' I walked down, get most of his stuff, headed up, and put everything in Hange's room. "Okay that should be everything, thanks for the help Captain." "Welcome, let's go to the mess hall it's dinner time and I'm sure you're hungry." "I could eat."

Walking into the mess hall the first person I see is Armin, I go and sit next to him. "Hi Armin." "Hey so how was the trip with Hange?" "It was fine, nothing to bad." (???): "That's good to hear I don't need to be worried about you anymore." I felt a kiss on my cheek, I look up and see Jean.

"Hi." I said shy and weakly. He kisses my forehead. "I got you some food, I made it for you." He said sitting down and placing it down in front of me. I lean my head into his chest. "Thank you." "Mm."

He said putting his head in my neck. "Um guys are you two dating?" "Hmm!?" We pulled away and looked around the room, everyone's looking at us. I see Hange, Erwin, Levi, Mike and more looking at us. "No," Jean said breaking the silence.

"We're just close friends." "But I thought you hated each other." "We don't were just friends." "With cuddle benefits." I said. "Yeah that too."

After that we ate, everyone want back to doing what they were doing, and we all left after eating.  Hange said she was going to be in her lab all day and night so me and Jean are going to cuddle in her bed then sleep. We walk down the hall holding hands, Jean said he wanted to pick me up but I was fine. There was a lot of roses falling from the cloud, I happy with Jean☺️.


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