Chapter 3

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I moved slowly and opened the sheets only to find a blade in my faces holding the blade was Mikasa, Eren's fucking sister. "Why are you pointing that weapon at your commanding officer's face?" I said showing no emotion at all. "I was coming to kill you for getting Eren pregnant, also Hanji told me the come get you we set up everything when you and Eren were sleep. I wanted to wake you up but you beat me to it." "I, as your commanding officer, can make it so you can't be near Eren ever again. Am I clear soldier?" She give me a death glare, put her blade down and said, "Yes sir."

And walked away back to Hanji. I go back inside to wake up Eren. When I got to him I shook softly and whispered in his ear. "Eren~.....wake up we're here." When I got done saying it Eren opened his eyes slowly and looked up at me. "Good morning Levi-san."

And give a big smile to me. 'He said my name? But he knows not to call me that unless we're having sex.' While I was in in thought I got brought back by Eren touching my hand and bring it to his abdomen. I guess I gave in because I sat down next to Eren and started to rub his stomach. He laid his head on my shoulders and hummed. "That feels nice."

'I want to stay like this but I have a job to do.' I stopped rubbing to pick up Eren bridal style, even though he's pregnant he's really light. "Where are we going?" He asked with his flower cloud disappearing. "Just going to sat you under a tree don't worry." I replied as Eren nodded and laid his head back down acting like a puppy.

When we got out of the carriage Levi took me to where Hanji and Mikasa were sitting. I soon realized that we were in somewhat of a flower field, there was a river right next to Mikasa so she stuck her feet in. Levi placed me on a dead log and sat next to me and rubbed my small belly. "I'm only doing this to help with stress, don't think to much of this." I nodded understanding what he meant. I know he does not want to be a dad but I'm going to keep and protect it as much as I can. Hanji walked over to us with some stuff then saw Levi rubbing my belly and started to squeal. Then she continue to walk to us again.

'Oh my god I can not believe I saw that. Levi was actually rubbing Eren's stomach ahhhhh! Ok, ok calm down.' I place a machine next to Eren and told him to give me his thumb. I took his thumb and hooked it to the machine. I turned it on and watched the paper an needle move. "Ok, Levi I need you to stop touching Eren for a sec." "Ok."

Levi stopped rubbing Eren's belly and the needles movement got smaller. Instead of it going form 5 to 10 (normal) it went to 2 to 5. "Hmmm... Interesting." "What do you mean by that?" I hear Levi ask me. "Nothing you need to worry about. Hmmm can you hold each others hands?"

"Sure." They both said. 'Good thing Mikasa is not here.' They start to hold hands and the needle goes back to 5,10 but this time it was not hitting the 10 a lot it was hitting the 7 a few times. I wrote this down and whispered in Levi's ear telling him what to do next. Levi sigh but I told him to man up some.

He moved over to Eren more and kissed his cheek softly. Look back at the needle and saw it hitting 12 to 14. I wrote it down as fast as I could when I was done the machine blow up and black smoke started to come out. "Well that was.......not what I expected to happen.....but oh well." When the machine blow up I guess Levi tried to protect Eren from getting hurt because he hugged him to the ground. Mikasa should have heard it ,she was only 16 feet from us, because she came running over with her gear in hand.

'This water is so refreshing I'm glad Hanji told me to come over here.' *BOOM* 'WTF! Is there a Titan in the camp?' I quickly put on my gear and ran to the camp to save Eren and Hanji. I don't care what happens to Captain Levi. When I got to the camp I see a cloud of black smoke going up in the sky. I ran over to Hanji and asked her what happened and where Eren was.

"Oh nothing really just that the machine I used on Eren blow up and Levi protected Eren from getting hurt. Oh and they're over there in the tent I told Levi to put Eren to sleep." 'That little maggett is near my little brother?! Hell no, I'm not letting this happen.' "Oh Mikasa you have to sleep in the same tent as me." "What?!? Why?" "Because you said before we left the bring two tents would make carrying things much easier for us. Also since Levi is the father of the baby, Eren would feel calmer with him around." 'She has a point there.'

"Fine I'll be setting up the tent and sleeping bags." "Kay I'll be over here if you need me." "Will do see you later." And I walked away to set up things. When I was done I went over to Hanji and asked what we were eating. She said she made food pills for when she does not go to dinner. She gave my one and sent me to bed.

"Eren are you sure you're ok?" "Y-Yes I'm fine, b-but can you stop." "Stop what?" "Stop rubbing the lower part of my belly. The baby won't feel you touching it." I stop and took my hand away form him. "What does it matter to you if I'm feeling hurt or not. I'm already hurt because you don't want my- our baby. If I want someone to help me feel better I would have ask Hanji or Mikasa, not you."

'Ow that hurt.' "Eren I want to be the father of our baby and I love you with all my heart!" I start crying and yelling. "I want to be the father, but I'm scared at what I will become if you die after the baby is born!" "Le- Captain I think it would be better if you never come near me ever again. Good-bye Captain Levi." He got up a left the tent.

"NO EREN DON'T LEAVE ME!!!! COME BACK TO ME, I'M SORRY I'LL DO BETTER. I CAN BE A DAD I PROMISE. I WON'T EVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN. PLEASE COME BACK." I yelled crying even harder then before. I took a look around and saw that everything around me was dark. I was sitting in a dark room. No begging, no end, just darkness. "Why did this happen. I let someone walk out of my life again."

(Wellll that was sad. I cried half way throw this and I'm writing it.) NEXT CHAPTER COMING OUT SOON. SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG.

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