She Admits It

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Ivy stared at the figure atop the building and put up a nervous smile. With a tip of a red hat, the figure vanished. Ivy frowned and walked back to the car, then sat.

"Hey sis?" She perked her head up as Zack took his seat. "You seem distant. You alright?"

"I'm fine." Ivy replied with a sheepish smile. Zack didn't believe her.

"Look, Ives, I can tell somethin's on your mind, so just spill it. No secrets."

*No secrets, huh. That's what Carmen used to say when we joined the team..*
"-Ivy!? Ivy!" She was snapped out of her thoughts by Zack yelling her name.

"Hm? Oh sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well if you ever need to talk just let me know. 'Cus you're my favourite sibling and all." Ivy giggled and lightly punched Zack's arm, getting a small squeak from him in response.

"I'm your only sibling, dummy." Ivy laughed as Zack started the car.


They arrived at the hotel quite late, so the two rushed to their room in a little competition. They both got stuck trying to get in the door at the same time. Neither of them gave up until a janitor came along, which then made Zack back up and bow like a gentleman. Ivy snickered and walked in. They both slumped on their beds, and then Zack broke the silence first.
"So... about before..." He started.

"Fine. I'll admit it. I miss how things used to be." She curled up. "And I miss Carmen."

"Remember, sis, we're doing what she wanted us to. We're fightin' the good fight."

"I know.. I just don't feel right workin' for ACME when she left without even a goodbye. I know she's suppose to be sneaky 'n all but I just feel selfish for not having said anything before she left."

"Have you felt this the whole time we've worked here?"

"Shh..! But... yes. It wasn't much at first. Seeing Carmen more made me think more. Such a wonderful person, I wonder if I'll ever speak to her again.."

"Ives it sounds like you-"

"I know. I do secretly love her. And I can't help but wonder how she is without us. Without me. Because it hurts me to think about it; what if she didn't care about leaving us? What if she knew I was hurtin' but didn't care? I know she would care but my heads all messed up-" Ivy was cut off by Zack hugging her. Ivy wept until she fell asleep.

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